Featured Threads
Xenforo Updated Xenforo 2 Nginx Friendly Url Rules Configuration
Updated official centminmod.com site instructions to add Xenforo 2 configuration notes for Centmin Mod Nginx friendly url rewrite rules. Xenforo 2 nginx configuration adds an additional internal location context for /src/ directory not present in Xenforo 1.5.x nginx configurations. The instructions below have the /src location context commented out with instructions to uncomment it for Xenforo 2... -
Wordpress How to customise Wordpress centmin.sh menu option 22 installs in 123.09beta01
Centmin Mod 123.09beta01+ and higher have addition options to allow you to automate the customisation of your Wordpress installs via centmin.sh menu option 22... -
Sysadmin Sysadmin - zcat compressed access log processing benchmarks
I am working on a new zcat compressed access log benchmarking routine to eventually be added to my centminmodbench.sh script. If you use log analysis tools like ngxtop, then you would need to use zcat to inspect and pipe to ngxtop many gz compressed Nginx access logs using zcat. So knowing how well your server can perform for zcat operations is important
zcat is basically same as cat command just it works on gzip compressed files instead of uncompressed files... -
Insight Guide SSH Login Email Alerts Centmin Mod Style
If you want to setup SSH login email alerts whenever you log into your Centmin Mod server. You can backup your /root/.bashrc file and then edit it using nano linux text editor as root user and add these 4 lines to very bottom of /root/.bashrc file... -
CSF Insight Guide CSF Firewall Port Flood Blocking Pure-FTPD Connections
If you are having pure-ftpd disconnection or connection issues when uploading many files at once, it could be CSF Firewall's DDOS protection for Port Flooding in play. You can verify this by doing a grep filter of your /var/log/messages log to see if there are entries with your IP address listed... -
Nginx Guide To GCC & Clang Compiler Selection For Nginx Installs
Centmin Mod 123.09beta01 LEMP stack can allow users to optionally select their own choice of compilers for Nginx and PHP-FPM. Below is example for Nginx where you can choose between native CentOS GCC version, GCC 5.3.1, GCC 6.3.1, GCC 7.2.1, Clang 3.4.2, Clang 4.0.1 and soon GCC 8.0 and Clang 5.0 & Clang 6.0... -
Upgrade Nginx Insight Guide How to upgrade Centmin Mod + backing up customisations
Centmin Mod code upgrades via centmin.sh menu option 23 don't really make changes to other files needlessly. However, you really need to try and keep the code/routines that Centmin Mod uses up to date. You can try the following by backing up the main files first and then do a fresh Centmin Mod code replacement by backing up and moving /usr/local/src/centminmod... -
Upgrade Nginx Insight Guide Centmin Mod Site Data Migration Guide
Centmin Mod users might want to eventually move web hosts or transfer their site data files and databases to a new server. The below manual guide outlines one of the many ways you can transfer data... -
Upgrade Nginx Insight Guide How To Transfer cPanel/WHM Sites To Centmin Mod LEMP Servers
There seems to be more cPanel/WHM migrations to Centmin Mod LEMP stack based servers these days so I thought it would be the right time to write up a guide showing Centmin Mod users how to migrate their cPanel/WHM sites to Centmin Mod LEMP stack based servers... -
Nginx Nginx - How to use Brotli compression for Centmin Mod Nginx web servers
Brotli compression for web servers is an alternative to Gzip compression for static files. Google Play Store on a daily basis saves 1.5 petabytes (1.5 million gigabytes) of bandwidth each day using Brotli ! To properly utilise Brotli compression... -
Install Install - Compiling Newer Versions of Clang 4.0
So, today i was compiling nginx using clang 3.4.2 and i thought... Why not use the last version of it instead of using a version that already have 2 and a half years? I will explain here how to do it in a Centos 7 build and its really very easy. I will be installing clang 4.0.0 that is the last release in their svn... -
MariaDB MariaDB - How to reset MySQL root user password for CentOS 7 / MariaDB 10.1.19+
Centmin Mod 123.09beta01's centmin.sh menu option 11 submenu option 0 allows resetting MySQL root user password when the known existing MySQL root password is contained in /root/.my.cnf. But when you do not have a valid working MySQL root password in /root/.my.cnf and/or you don't know the existing MySQL root password, you will need to reset it via official documented methods outlined here. However, for MariaDB 10.1.19+ seems the official method isn't working... -
OVH Benchmarks OVH - OVH Intel Core i7 4790K 32GB 2x240GB Samsung PM863 SSD Review
Just picked up an OVH Black Friday discounted MC-32 Game Server class Intel Core i7 4790K 4-4.4Ghz 2x240GB dedicated server OVH - Black Friday Nov 25, 2016 OVH Specials for ~US$46/month ... -
Added Profile Guided Optimizations To Boost PHP 7 Performance
Updated latest Centmin Mod 123.09beta01 with optional support for Profile Guided Optimized PHP 7 only builds which boost PHP performance by between 3-17% for Wordpress, MediaWiki and Drupal like PHP web applications and similar PHP execution patterns ... -
Centmin Mod Auditd Support Added In Latest 123.09beta01
Centmin Mod 123.09beta01 branch after October 9th, 2016 has added Auditd (and optional MariaDB Audit Plugin) setup and configuration for non-openvz systems like KVM, Xen, VMWare, and dedicated servers at tools/auditd.sh... -
BuyVM.net Benchmarks BuyVM.net - BuyVM.net New KVM Plans on Intel Xeon E3-1270v3 Host Nodes!
BuyVM.net has new KVM based VPS hosting plans using Intel Xeon E3-1270v3 3.5Ghz based processors in their Las Vegas location !
Fran from BuyVM.net was kind enough to let me trial one of these new KVM VPS plans - 4 cpu core, 16GB Ram, 320GB pure SSD storage with 20TB bandwidth at US$60/month. So I am doing some Centmin Mod LEMP stack centric benchmarks on CentOS 7.2 64bit fresh install via VNC and CentOS 7.2 ISO image install. Check out the Centmin Mod benchmarks... -
Redis Insight Guide Redis - How to install Redis server on Centmin Mod LEMP stack
How to guide for installing Redis server for Redis caching usage for various web apps like Xenforo or Wordpress. You will need to consult and lookup how respective web apps addons or plugins utilise Redis caching and configure accordingly -
Nginx Nginx - Nginx 1.9.5 released with HTTP/2 support officially !
Nginx 1.9.5 with official HTTP/2 support is here now. Centmin Mod Nginx is already HTTP/2 support ready and supported since Nginx 1.9.3. And Centmin Mod latest stable and beta branches have been updated to Nginx 1.9.5 default out of box -
Benchmarks Intel Xeon D-1540 benchmarks
Reliablesite.net was kind enough to give me access to the new Intel Broadwell-DE processor model Intel Xeon D-1540 with 8 cpu cores + 8 virtual threads (16 cpu threads total), so I ran some benchmarks with my centminmodbench.sh and gziptest.sh multi-threaded compression benchmark scripts. ... -
SSL Nginx SPDY/3.1 vs h2o HTTP/2 vs non-https benchmarks & tests
Ever since Google announced dropping SPDY for HTTP/2, I've started looking at HTTP/2 testing. For HTTP/2 testing, I am using h2o HTTP/2 static file and reverse proxy server (and also OpenLiteSpeed). I am using my World Flags Demo site template to test Nginx SPDY/3.1 SSL vs h2o HTTP/2 SSL vs non-https for both Nginx & h2o served files using 4 different setups as outlined...
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