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CentOS 8.x CentOS 8 Now End Of Life (EOL)

Discussion in 'CentOS, Redhat & Oracle Linux News' started by buik, Dec 7, 2021.

  1. eva2000

    eva2000 Administrator Staff Member

    May 24, 2014
    Brisbane, Australia
    Local Time:
    8:59 PM
    Nginx 1.27.x
    MariaDB 10.x/11.4+
    Just sent you a private message with invite - it's only for EL8 beta testing so AlmaLinux 8 or Rocky Linux 8. EL9 for version 9 isn't in active testing or priority right now.

  2. Tracy Perry

    Tracy Perry Active Member

    Aug 24, 2014
    Local Time:
    4:59 AM
    MariaDB 10.3.36
    Forgot to mention... last I looked, you can install a non-listed OS with them. I had to do it with AlmaLinux before they started offering it.
  3. buik

    buik “The best traveler is one without a camera.”

    Apr 29, 2016
    Local Time:
    11:59 AM
    Okay, my previous recommendation was to choose AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux or Oracle Linux if you are using Oracle software. My recommendation now is Rocky Linux or Oracle Linux, should you use Oracle Software. Rocky Linux is and will be a 1-to-1 copy of RHEL.
    As AlmaLinux is using CentOS Stream code as of recently. Which I cannot recommend.
    Of course, this is my consideration. Everyone should, of course, make their own consideration.
  4. eva2000

    eva2000 Administrator Staff Member

    May 24, 2014
    Brisbane, Australia
    Local Time:
    8:59 PM
    Nginx 1.27.x
    MariaDB 10.x/11.4+
    I'm not concerned with AlmaLinux's direction, or at least will see how it plays out over time. Facebook/Meta also build and use CentOS Stream too for themselves, and they seem capable of making it work for themselves. Also, given Centmin Mod betas have always been used in production as well. We still have ~10 months till May 2024 for CentOS 7 EOL.
  5. buik

    buik “The best traveler is one without a camera.”

    Apr 29, 2016
    Local Time:
    11:59 AM
    I am certainly not concerned and thankfully didn't write that.
    Given the current capabilities, I personally would not choose AlmaLinux today. Nothing more, nothing less.
    Partly because there are plenty of alternatives.

    By the way, Meta, with 77k employees is a case that cannot be compared to Centminmod with single server nor, single user based, if you ask me. When you have 77000 employees, it is easy to handle your own distro. Finally, they are not using CentOS Stream but as a source. Like CentOS stable with selected own packages, when certain new software versions are desired.

    Just like Amazon, with its own Fedora/CentOS based distro. Given that there are several ex-Red Hat employees at the helm there.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2023
  6. eva2000

    eva2000 Administrator Staff Member

    May 24, 2014
    Brisbane, Australia
    Local Time:
    8:59 PM
    Nginx 1.27.x
    MariaDB 10.x/11.4+
    Yeah just have to see how capable AlmaLinux folks are going forward. In meantime, adding some additional tests so I can compare EL8/EL9 operating systems packages and repos on Centmin Mod LEMP stack installed instances.

  7. Tracy Perry

    Tracy Perry Active Member

    Aug 24, 2014
    Local Time:
    4:59 AM
    MariaDB 10.3.36
    Really... for an admin that is somewhat proficient... who cares? If you are doing adequate backups, then if you decide you don't like the distro you are currently using... simply burn out a new OS on it (that is CentMinMod compatible - but my backups aren't restricted to CentMinMod reliance) and then import your existing site.... you may be down for about an hour... but if you don't mind spending a few bucks during that time, you can simply obtain another VPS instance and then migrate over to it... and once your DNS entry has replicated to the new VPS instance, kill the old one.
    What I find amusing.. the "need" to now be RHEL compatible... and the CentOS stream being deemed as now "unreliable".
  8. duderuud

    duderuud Premium Member Premium Member

    Dec 5, 2020
    The Netherlands
    Local Time:
    11:59 AM
    1.27 x
    I personally agree.
    I'm not interested in a one-to-one clone of RHEL. I'm interested in a reliable OS that runs CMM without any issues.
  9. buik

    buik “The best traveler is one without a camera.”

    Apr 29, 2016
    Local Time:
    11:59 AM
    Who cares? Nice for a small site, then you'll be back online in no time, recreating your VPS image and here you go. On this forum there are also CMM users with 10% of Xenforo's largest forums, TB's and TB's of data and giga numbers of visitors on large dedicated servers.

    In that case when your server crashed you are not online within the hour or even hours, days and you have a huge problem. Retrieving very large backups can just take a week + checking, verifying the data afterwards. If you are unlucky, and unfortunately, I have experienced this myself in the past (non CMM related though).

    That is also the reason CMM uses CentOS non Stream because it is rock stable. You don't want to mess with beta software, code or patches (what AlaLinux is doing now) if it is not necessary. Sites like this are far too valuable. Then you don't want any hassle.

    I would say try it out with a 600TB site. Good luck with 'simply burn out a new OS', 'simply obtain another VPS instance and then migrate over to it' afterwards.
  10. eva2000

    eva2000 Administrator Staff Member

    May 24, 2014
    Brisbane, Australia
    Local Time:
    8:59 PM
    Nginx 1.27.x
    MariaDB 10.x/11.4+
    Yeah agree with both opinions, it's easy to migrate to another distro but of course you'd need to be familiar with that distro too in general (ignoring Centmin Mod requirements). If you stick with Centmin Mod then it's even easier for YUM based distros. But depending on size of data set it can be challenging too - especially when you use less than optimal backup/transfer/restore processes.

    My new menu option 21 data transfer/management routines I am developing/testing will help with that as it leverages on backup/transfer techniques I use with my paid consulting clients' custom backup scripts for fastest possible backup and transfer methods that allow near network/disk line rates of transfer speeds while still using compression. I can easily write custom backup scripts for my paid clients, which can back up 200GB of data and transfer it in ~30 mins and restore that data files/mysql in less than 45-60 minutes on standard gigabit network connections. Would be faster with faster network speeds i.e. 10 gigabit/s :)

    Code (Text):
        Centmin Mod Data Management       
    1).   Manage SSH Keys
    2).   Manage AWS CLI S3 Profile Credentials
    3).   Migrate Centmin Mod Data To New Centmin Mod Server
    4).   Backup Nginx Vhosts Data + MariaBackup MySQL Backups
    5).   Backup Nginx Vhosts Data Only (no MariaDB MySQL backups)
    6).   Backup MariaDB MySQL With MariaBackup Only (no Vhosts Data backups)
    7).   Backup MariaDB MySQL With mysqldump only (no Vhosts Data backups)
    8).   Transfer Directory Data To Remote Server Via SSH
    9).   Transfer Directory Data To S3 Compatible Storage
    10).  Transfer Files To S3 Compatible Storage
    11).  Download S3 Compatible Stored Data To Server
    12).  S3 To S3 Compatible Storage Transfers
    13).  List S3 Storage Buckets
    14).  Back to Main menu
    Enter option [ 1 - 14 ]

    Code (Text):
        Manage SSH Keys       
    1).   List Registered SSH Keys
    2).   Register Existing SSH Keys
    3).   Create New SSH Key For Remote Host
    4).   Use Existing SSH Key For Remote Host
    5).   Rotate Existing SSH Key For Remote Host
    6).   Delete Existing SSH Key For Remote Host
    7).   Export Existing SSH Key
    8).   Backup All Existing SSH Keys
    9).   Back to Main menu
    Enter option [ 1 - 9 ]

    Code (Text):
        Manage AWS CLI S3 Profile Credentials       
    1).   List Registered AWS CLI S3 Profiles
    2).   List AWS CLI S3 Profile Configuration
    3).   Create New AWS CLI S3 Profile
    4).   Edit Existing AWS CLI S3 Profile
    5).   Delete Existing AWS CLI S3 Profile
    6).   Export Existing AWS CLI S3 Profile
    7).   Backup All Existing AWS CLI S3 Profiles
    8).   Back to Main menu
    Enter option [ 1 - 8 ]

    See the developing documentation at centminmod/datamanagement/ at 130.00beta01 · centminmod/centminmod

    You can follow all menu option 21 updates via forum tag =

    Centmin Mod Premium members will eventually get first access to the new menu option 21 then EL8 private beta testers :)
  11. buik

    buik “The best traveler is one without a camera.”

    Apr 29, 2016
    Local Time:
    11:59 AM
  12. Tracy Perry

    Tracy Perry Active Member

    Aug 24, 2014
    Local Time:
    4:59 AM
    MariaDB 10.3.36
    I would hope that someone with a site that large was actually using S3/R2 for their storage.... so if they are.. other than backing up your local data, it's not that big of deal... if you aren't using S3/R2... then you aren't performing to maximum efficiency.

    Alma 8 is going to have active support releases until 05/2024 and security support 03/2029....
    Rocky 8 loses active support 03/2024, security support in 05/29.
    So it's not a "have to do it now".. it's a "want to be closer to core RHEL".... and if you want that.. they yes, sometimes you have to bite the bullet and either get another server to slide in or simply accept what is. That's not an "abnormal" situation. It's pretty much been that way since people have been using Linux... want another distro... you simply are going to have to burn out a new instance (unless you are running a VM environment on the dedicated server using SolusVM or ProxMox or similar, and if you are, then has some abilities that can be forced to move data from one VM into another).
    That's why it's generally suggested to have your DATA (images, attachments, etc) stored separately from your OS setup (as an example with CM, having your /home mounted on a different partition), usually on a separate mount point for your sites compared to your base OS. If you shoved all your storage capacity into a central / mount point... that wasn't well thought out.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2023
  13. buik

    buik “The best traveler is one without a camera.”

    Apr 29, 2016
    Local Time:
    11:59 AM
    "Not that big of deal" Then I am curious to know how you are going to address this specifically?
  14. Tracy Perry

    Tracy Perry Active Member

    Aug 24, 2014
    Local Time:
    4:59 AM
    MariaDB 10.3.36
    Personally.. If I need to run Rocky... I'll do 1 of two things.
    First choice: Obtain another server setup (in my case a VPS, but the same can be done with dedicated equipment and frequently provides better "hardware" if you are realistic) and migrate over to it while the base site is in a "closed" status. This is my FIRST choice since I do run a smaller site and full backups aren't that hard.
    Second choice: Simply wipe the base partition, reburn the OS (which I REALLY hope you mounted on a separate partion from your core site files) and mount my /home partition with all data intact, which would be more applicable to a larger install that the admin actually took some time to think ahead.

    In other words.. if you have planned appropriately for your OS installation.. your "stance" is much ado about nothing, as I REALLY hope that in addition to your site home directory (in addition to it being mounted on a separate partition), you are backing up the necessary (in this case) CentMin config files. Lack of planning and knowledge of Linux abilities do not equate to a "weakness" in an ANY OS choice platform, and any migration to another OS... last I checked pretty much ALL the standard OS installs supported the same "format" for partitions. Lack of partition planning is NOT a weakness in the OS, but a basic failure upon the part of the admin for future planning for changes/upgrades. If you are guilty of this.. simply wear that hat proudly.. I obtained it a quite a few years ago. I (at the time) did not really understand why some OS choices defaulted to a separate /home partition.. guess what.. I quickly learned why. One thing I notice.. many "default" installs no longer push this... wonder why? Could it be "laziness" and "lack of knowledge" on what ultimately benefits the installers compared to the "it's easier to push everything into one partition" aspect? Keep your "important stuff" on a separate (and accepted format) partition.. then if you have to burn our your OS again.. you don't prang your important shit.
    Granted. this means you actually have to backup your VALID database AND have a valid working knowledge of Linux (which I REALLY hope one has if they reach that point, but many suffer from weaknesses of knowledge about the OS).. but hopefully you are ALREADY doing that and have that base knowledge (but many don't, simply thinking that since they can burn the OS from their provider, they are "golden").. if not.. enjoy that 12 gauge shotgun blast to both feet.
    And yes.. I'm rather blunt.. but after dealing with Linux in one form or factor since 1993... I've simply learned a few "tricks of the trade" over the years and cutting my teeth on BBS's running under DESQview and then OS/2....I'm not a neophyte in the arena. I have many weaknesses in it... but this is not one of them. And I simply have an issue with folks trying to push "their" view when in reality... the operating system allows SO much more. It is why I love (from "back in the day") both OS/2 and Linux (and ultimately Linux exceeded in many ways OS/2 other than in specific BBS software) over Windows/DOS/DESQview.

    LEARN what your operating system offers you.. and then make use of it.
    Somewhat sarcastic.. yep. But realistic.. again, yep. Sometimes we simply need to be slapped in the face to be forced to realize that there may be better ways to "implement" our solutions. The simple /home partition mount took me a few years to realize the benefit of having it separate from the OS.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2023