SecureCRT is expensive $179.00 coming from a person that uses putty :(
Yeah if price is an issue than there's other alternatives. For me as I am in and out of SSH for a living earning $$$ with work, the price isn't that much considering the time I save using SecureCRT and features I am use to using.
Thanks! That better explains the multi-session feature and the benefits of the drag-and-drop feature. That could be very useful. I think that most users of Centminmod would find either of these to work well. If I were a long-term user of SecureCRT I would probably say that I saw no reason to switch. For some users, such as those who want to use one of MobaxTerm's extension or that need a terminal emulation or their clients/company is using SecureCRT, each has particular features that favor using them.
pretty much the same for me except I use cygwin's MinTTY shell instead of putty, use gvim as the editor for files over winscp. Sometimes if I don't need to open a ton of files though I just do all the work in MinTTY editing files with vim on the server itself I can't think of any other features listed by others I'd actually want or use, if I need to script something bash is there at the ready and extremely powerful and I find command line to be extremely productive. I can understand others preference though without sharing it.
Since I reached the Max Saved Session for MobaXterm Free plan, Installing back XShell 6 for other servers. XShell 6 seems more stable than Moba.
@eva2000 Do you use SecureCRT and SecureFX together? or do you just use SecureCRT ? Thanks, Itworx4me
both though SecureCRT has inbuilt SFTP too via command line no gui for quick SFTP upload (put command) and download (get command)
I tried securedcrt but I wanted something with mosh support so I am now trying termius. I am happy with it so far. Can access my server even with a bad 3g phone connection.
haven't heard of those 2 - so many SSH clients out there ! Still SecureCRT is my fav - the button bar makes it so easy to install my favourite software
Running SecureCRT @home and on my personal laptop only, hope next year company budget cover SecureCRT license, it's a time saver for many tasks and I need to . @eva2000 btw running live now for one year the company webshop coded with Laravel feeded by Microsoft Dynamics Nav. Centminmod live and kicking saving us a lot of time on maintenance =)
Bit late on replying but congrats and glad to hear you're liking SecureCRT Still using SecureCRT SSH client myself and here's a demo of how native SFTP client can come in handy to download files such as Centmin Mod nginx and php upgrade logs to my local Windows PC Demo How To Use SecureCRT's Native SFTP Client To Download Nginx/PHP Upgrade Logs