nice to have ed25519 and ecdsa private and public key generation support added :) [ATTACH]
Putty and Winscp and nothing else but i start moving to a native linux terminal and looking for a GUI sftp alternative for linux but i want to avoid Filezilla....
My favorite on Windows have always been XShell + Xftp which are free for personal use. They integrate very well with each other and have superb functionality and stability, and excellent user interface. They are also fairly responsive to suggestions on their user forums.
I'm trying it right now and I'm loving it right off the bat. It's so much better than PuTTY and WinSCP. Thanks.
Thought I'd share how SSH client, SecureCRT's inbuilt SFTP client works - basically you can initiate a SFTP connection to your server directly within SSH client's so you can upload and download files via SFTP this was an example of me uploading a example ssl certificate provider bundled zip file to the ssl directory and unzipping it/concatenating the files for ssl setup via SFTP from within my SSH connection
Xshell+XFtp also support this feature. You can open SSH from FTP or vice versa. Also, if you have rz installed on the server, you can drag/drop files right into the Xshell window which is very cool but not as fast as FTP since it uses ancient Z-Modem, but its useful and fast enough for text files like source code, config files or certificates....
yes i noticed Xshell has that feature listed too I'm just use to SecureCRT/SecureFX as I've been using it for 13+ yrs now
I am wondering if it is possible to manage at once many servers using that kind of software or if i need another better way.... For example i want to send to all my servers two commands like: Code: sed -i 's/oldvalue/newvalue/' php.ini fpmrestart ?
securecrt can send a single command(s) to all open ssh sessions if you want - it's how i can easily update centmin mod dozens of servers at the same time example screencast video at Centmin Mod .08 beta SSH one liner install on CentOS 6 + CentOS 7 simultaneously | Centmin Mod Community
I can see that both xshell 5 and secure crt has this option so i will test them for the next 2-3 days and i wil jump on one of them That will save me a lot of time Prices are high for both