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Master Branch update option 22 Cache Enabler 1.5.1+ support in 123.09beta01

Discussion in 'Centmin Mod Github Commits' started by eva2000, Oct 22, 2020.

  1. eva2000

    eva2000 Administrator Staff Member

    May 24, 2014
    Brisbane, Australia
    Local Time:
    4:54 AM
    Nginx 1.27.x
    MariaDB 10.x/11.4+
    update option 22 Cache Enabler 1.5.1+ support in 123.09beta01

    - For fresh Wordpress installs with Cache Enabler 1.5.1+ and higher, new options have been added by the plugin so need to update menu option 22 to account for the option changes including the actual change of the option name used by Cache Enabler. Cache Enabler prior to 1.5.1 named it's option cache-enabler with hyphen but 1.5.1+ named it with underscore cache_enabler. So menu option 22 Cache Enabler setup and auto configuration needs to account for this as well as new option names.
    - This only impacts new menu option 22 runs. Existing Wordpress installs done via menu option 22 with Cache Enabler won't be affected as the initial install would of probably used Cache Enabler <1.5.1. To be sure, existing users can just log into wp-admin > Settings > Cache Enabler settings and hit Save changes and clear cache button once to ensure the most up to date version of settings is saved to database.

    Prior to 1.5.1 options looked like
    wp option get cache-enabler --format=json --path=/home/nginx/domains/$domain/public/ | jq
    "expires": 6,
    "clear_on_upgrade": 1,
    "new_post": 1,
    "new_comment": 1,
    "update_product_stock": 0,
    "webp": 0,
    "compress": 1,
    "excl_ids": "",
    "excl_paths": "",
    "excl_cookies": "",
    "incl_parameters": "/^fbclid|utm_(source|medium|campaign|term|content|expid)|gclid|fb_(action_ids|action_types|source)|age-verified|ao_noptimize|usqp|cn-reloaded|_ga|_ke$/",
    "minify_html": 1

    After 1.5.1+ options looked like
    wp option get cache-enabler --format=json --path=/home/nginx/domains/$domain/public/ | jq
    "version": "1.5.1",
    "permalink_structure": "has_trailing_slash",
    "cache_expires": 1,
    "cache_expiry_time": 6,
    "clear_complete_cache_on_saved_post": 1,
    "clear_complete_cache_on_new_comment": 1,
    "clear_complete_cache_on_changed_plugin": 1,
    "compress_cache": 1,
    "convert_image_urls_to_webp": 0,
    "excluded_post_ids": "",
    "excluded_page_paths": "",
    "excluded_query_strings": "/^fbclid|ref|mc_(cid|eid)|utm_(source|medium|campaign|term|content|expid)|gclid|fb_(action_ids|action_types|source)|age-verified|ao_noptimize|usqp|cn-reloaded|_ga|_ke$/",
    "excluded_cookies": "",
    "minify_html": 1,
    "minify_inline_css_js": 0

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    Centmin Mod Github Master branch

    Master branch is where most recent commits are made as at May 24, 2015.