It's back on.
I made a few changes (shown in orange) to /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf Hard to tell on my speedy home internet connection, but I think they are helping. I disabled the CDN on my site, and there have been no complaints so far Code: events { worker_connections 8192; accept_mutex off; use epoll; multi_accept on; } http { aio threads; pagespeed ImageMaxRewritesAtOnce -1; map_hash_bucket_size 128; map_hash_max_size 4096; server_names_hash_bucket_size 128; server_names_hash_max_size 2048; #limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=xwplogin:16m rate=40r/m; #limit_conn_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=xwpconlimit:16m; more_set_headers "Server: nginx centminmod"; more_set_headers "X-Powered-By: centminmod"; include /usr/local/nginx/conf/vts_http.conf; include /usr/local/nginx/conf/geoip.conf; include /usr/local/nginx/conf/maintenance.conf; include /usr/local/nginx/conf/pagespeedadmin.conf; include /usr/local/nginx/conf/fastcgi_param_https_map.conf; log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] $request ' '"$status" $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" ' '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for" "$gzip_ratio"' ' "$connection" "$connection_requests" "$request_time"'; error_log logs/error.log error; index index.php index.html index.htm; include mime.types; default_type application/octet-stream; charset utf-8; access_log off; sendfile on; sendfile_max_chunk 512k; tcp_nopush on; tcp_nodelay on; server_tokens off; server_name_in_redirect off; keepalive_timeout 60; keepalive_requests 1000; Also, ngx_pagespeed seems to be nicely optimizing my image attachments (converting to webp, etc) even though they don't end in an image extension.
that goes in nginx.conf include file /usr/local/nginx/conf/pagespeedadmin.conf - command shortcut to open that file in nano text editor = pscontrol admin that option is set to 8 by default Image Filter and Option Reference | PageSpeed Module | Google Developers definitely better !
Is there any chance that if I use that addon to move attachments to data folder that I would be unable to move them back if necessary at a later date?
Yeah possibly if the addon breaks - then ultimately you left to XFRock's schedule for update/fixes. [bd] Attachment Store | XFROCKS [bd] Attachment Store [Paid] | XFROCKS