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Nginx Sites using NGINX – June 2014

Discussion in 'Nginx and PHP-FPM news & discussions' started by eva2000, Jun 6, 2014.

  1. eva2000

    eva2000 Administrator Staff Member

    May 24, 2014
    Brisbane, Australia
    Local Time:
    10:27 PM
    Nginx 1.27.x
    MariaDB 10.x/11.4+

    Over 130 million websites use NGINX at the front of their infrastructure, and of the 10,000 busiest websites in the world, more websites use NGINX than any other webserver.”

    The last two months of data from Netcraft and W3Techs show some interesting changes. With some numbers up and some down, we need to focus on the numbers that reveal the real trends in the industry.

    Netcraft, May and June 2014

    NGINX is the only webserver to show consistent growth in Netcraft’s top 1million site report, up almost 1.5% in the last 2 months. Microsoft has remained steady; Google and Apache’s share of this segment has dropped:


    Netcraft Top Million busiest Sites, June 2014

    Netcraft survey a larger corpus of ‘active sites’, and again over the last 2 months, NGINX’s share is up over 0.5% (more than any other major web server). Netcraft’s active sites report tries to exclude duplicate, templated sites such as link farms and parked domains, instead only counting websites with a distinctive structure indicating unique content.

    In Netcraft’s headline ‘total sites’ figure, Netcraft reported a drop of 3.5m websites for NGINX in May, and a further 8.6m in June. In May, Netcraft gave the following commentary:

    “the losses were mostly isolated to just a few hosting companies…. two million nginx sites disappeared at cloud hosting company Enzu, …1.2 million at BurstNet.

    Changes by mass hosting providers are motivated by many reasons – partnerships, moving to a more cost-effective location, domain transfers between subsidiaries – they certainly don’t point to a large-scale migration of users away from Nginx.

    W3Techs, June 2014

    W3Techs have a different sampling methodology. They begin with the top 10 million websites, based on Alexa Traffic Rank, and drill down to the busiest 1,000. Since April, they also have observed a significant shift in favor of NGINX – the number of websites in their top 10,000 and 1,000 using NGINX has gone up almost a percentage-point in the last 60 days:



    W3Techs data, April 2014

    June 2014

    What might have provoked this change? The Heartbleed bug may have caused some companies to reassess their web infrastructure and taken the opportunity to deploy NGINX, and the recent revisions of NGINX’ ‘stable’ branch may have encouraged others to upgrade.

    However, previous trends has shown that this is not a one-off. There’s a continual migration towards NGINX, perhaps because of its ability to deliver better performance, reliability and consistency from existing infrastructure as well as new. The new commercial operations help too – they underwrite the future of the open source product.

    This month’s highlight: Web Technology Fact of the Day: Nginx has replaced Apache as the most used web server among the top 10,000 websites.”

    The post Sites using NGINX – June 2014 appeared first on NGINX.

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  2. eva2000

    eva2000 Administrator Staff Member

    May 24, 2014
    Brisbane, Australia
    Local Time:
    10:27 PM
    Nginx 1.27.x
    MariaDB 10.x/11.4+
    Good news for Nginx indeed.

    Centmin Mod is playing it's very small part - one Nginx user at a time :D