Nothing return as a result... Code: ------------------------------------------------------------- To update type these commands: ------------------------------------------------------------- run menu option 15 to update imagick PHP ext then run: yum update --disableplugin=priorities --setopt=deltarpm=0 --enablerepo=remi, --exclude=python34-*,python35-*,python36-* detected python36u IUS Community YUM packages installed For CentOS 7 they have been replaced with native CentOS 7.7+ python3 packages now One time task to run the addons/ script to switch from python36u to python3 packages for Python 3.6 before doing YUM update command, run the script at: /usr/local/src/centminmod/addons/ ------------------------------------------------------------- * Current Nginx Version: 1.17.7 (251219-212834-centos7-4a417a7) * Latest Nginx Available: 1.17.7 ( ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- Centmin Mod local code is up to date at /usr/local/src/centminmod no available updates at this time... ------------------------------------------------------------- You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root [07:38][ ~]# yum list installed python34u* python35u* python36u* -q --exclude=python* 2>&1 | grep -v Installed | grep -v 'No matching Packages' | tr -s ' ' | column -t You have mail in /var/spool/mail/root [11:57][ ~]#
The weird thing is that Centminmod detect them and then without running any command i just re run Centminmod and then was not detect anything... Code: yum history list python36u Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, priorities, versionlock Bad transaction IDs, or package(s), given Error: Failed history list