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Premium User Membership Explained

Discussion in 'Forum News' started by eva2000, Aug 13, 2014.

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  1. eva2000

    eva2000 Administrator Staff Member

    May 24, 2014
    Brisbane, Australia
    Local Time:
    11:35 PM
    Nginx 1.27.x
    MariaDB 10.x/11.4+

    Premium User Membership Discussions

    Premium User Membership ?

    • It's a paid member upgrade option which gives Premium forum members additional useful forum features + additional benefits added over time which go beyond just the forums so benefits extend to your own web sites.These additional premium features are outlined further below.
    • Alot of these additional forum features come via paid Xenforo addons, so the cost of the paid Premium membership upgrades covers such addon costs and any future additional new forum features as they are added.
    • Money goes towards costs for Xenforo licensing/renewals, paid addons, SSL wildcard certificate/renewals and web hosting costs etc.
    • Premium User Membership payments are NOT for technical support for Centmin Mod itself - Centmin Mod is provided as is without support.
    • Amount charged will be in Australian dollars ($AUD) via Paypal.

    How and where do I sign up for Premium User Membership ?

    • You will find the Premium User Membership upgrade options within your /account/upgrades here.
    • Unfortunately, there's a NO REFUND policy. So please make sure Premium User Membership is something you want.

    What benefits do Premium User Members get ?

    Right now additional forum features available to Premium User Members include:
    • Premium User Ribbon - A ribbon under your user post info displayed on each and every post
    • Access to private Premium User Member's forum - private forum for Premium Users to hang out. You may also get early access for scripts or code improvements for beta testing.
    • Cheap SSL Certificates [full details] - Access to discounted SSL Certificate purchases for standard SSL and Wildcard SSL Certificates. Access to this benefit will start after August 28th, 2014. No longer offered since Centmin Mod supports free Letsencrypt & ZeroSSL SSL certificates out of the box now. See details at Letsencrypt Free SSL Certificates
    • Ad Removal [full details] - Removal of banner ads on forum and thread views.
    • Pushover.net notifications [full details] - Allows Premium members to externally link their forum accounts to Pushover.net services to allow for forum alerts and notifications to be pushed to Android, iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad devices. You'll need to pay US$4.99 for the client side Pushover app in your respective device's app store. Some clients may have a free 5 day trial first.
    • Key Word Alerts [full details] - allows Premium members to track and be alerted via email for keywords they specify.
    • Forum Multiview [full details] - allows Premium members to select two or more forums and be able to view all the threads from those chosen forums on a single page. Very handy time saver if you do not want to jump around on all the forums.
    • Google Analytics Custom Dashboard Templates [full details] - allows Premium members to get access to some of my own custom Google Analytics Dashboard templates such as the ones used for CDN page load speed monitoring.
    • Access to a dedicated feature rich MySQL database backup script which supports local backups, up to 3x ftp remote backup locations as well as Amazon S3 remote backups with support for all S3 storage classes + threshold retention management of those backups. [full details]
    As time goes by, additional Premium User Member only forum features will be added and your existing payment via Paypal will cover the new additional forum features as they are added.

    How much does it cost to upgrade to Premium User Membership ?

    Right now there are six Premium User Membership options available:
    • 12 Month non-reoccuring = AUD$89/yr
    • 24 Month non-reoccuring = AUD$149 for 2yrs or AUD$74.50/yr
    • 12 Month auto renew = AUD$89/yr
    • Monthly auto renew = AUD$15/month
    • Quarterly every 3 months auto renew = AUD$30/quarter (AUD$10/month)
    • Bi-Annually every 6 months auto renew = AUD$50 (AUD$8.33/month)
    Premium User Membership payment for non-reoccuring options via Bitcoin is now an option but you'd need to contact me for payment details and for manual upgrade processing.

    Premium User Badges

    A ribbon under your user post info displayed on each and every post. Style and design improvements may happen over time.


    Access to private Premium User Member's forum

    Private forum is for Premium Users to hang out and may get earlier access to beta test new scripts or code improvements which I usually preview only in Beta Release Code forum (without providing the actual scripts). For example the Jailed user SFTP/SSH beta testing and improved Nginx vhost generator with SSL auto generated private key, CSR Code support which is needed to proceed with SSL Certificate purchases.

    Last edited: Oct 8, 2022
  2. eva2000

    eva2000 Administrator Staff Member

    May 24, 2014
    Brisbane, Australia
    Local Time:
    11:35 PM
    Nginx 1.27.x
    MariaDB 10.x/11.4+

    Ad Removal

    Banner ads under forum stickies and within forum threads are removed. You'll have ad free viewing on the forums as long as you are a Premium User Member.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2014
  3. eva2000

    eva2000 Administrator Staff Member

    May 24, 2014
    Brisbane, Australia
    Local Time:
    11:35 PM
    Nginx 1.27.x
    MariaDB 10.x/11.4+

    Pushover notifications

    Update: This feature isn't available anymore. The addon that provided that functionality no longer is maintained by the developer so had to remove it. But Xenforo 2.x has push support so when this forum eventually updates from Xenforo 1.5.x it will be back :)

    For Premium User Members, you will find your Pushover association page on your External Accounts page a thttp://community.centminmod.com/account/external-accounts.

    1. Register a Pushover.net account to get your User key and go to your respective app store to grab the device's Pushover client app to register your device name to associate with your account. Pushover for Android or Pushover for Apple iOS or Pushover for Desktopbrowsers.
    2. Then go to your External Accounts page at http://community.centminmod.com/account/external-accounts and fill in the details for your User Key, device name and Advanced options allow to to fine tune which types of alerts you want to get pushed notifications from.



    What you see on your mobile or tablet device via the Pushover client

    Last edited: Aug 16, 2014
  4. eva2000

    eva2000 Administrator Staff Member

    May 24, 2014
    Brisbane, Australia
    Local Time:
    11:35 PM
    Nginx 1.27.x
    MariaDB 10.x/11.4+
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2014
  5. eva2000

    eva2000 Administrator Staff Member

    May 24, 2014
    Brisbane, Australia
    Local Time:
    11:35 PM
    Nginx 1.27.x
    MariaDB 10.x/11.4+

    MultiView Forum Threads

    Premium User Members can manage all their MultiView forum added forums at http://community.centminmod.com/multiview/. You can add forums to MultiView mode using a text link within each forum as illustrated below.

    Basically, MultiView allows you to have a one page view for only the forums you are interested in that you add to MultiView mode :)






    Last edited: Aug 16, 2014
  6. eva2000

    eva2000 Administrator Staff Member

    May 24, 2014
    Brisbane, Australia
    Local Time:
    11:35 PM
    Nginx 1.27.x
    MariaDB 10.x/11.4+

    Google Analytics Custom Dashboard Templates

    Allows Premium members to get access to some of my own custom Google Analytics Dashboard templates such as the ones used for CDN page load speed monitoring.

    Google Analytics Dashboard for breakdown of top country based traffic for Avg Page Load Time and Avg DomInteractive Time as well as New vs Return Visitor page load times. You can use these to view page load speed trends over time.


    Custom Google Analytics dashboard for Mobile & Tablet specific page speed traffic trends for overall site as well as top country traffic

    Last edited: Aug 27, 2014
  7. eva2000

    eva2000 Administrator Staff Member

    May 24, 2014
    Brisbane, Australia
    Local Time:
    11:35 PM
    Nginx 1.27.x
    MariaDB 10.x/11.4+
    Premium User Membership upgrades are now available within your /account/upgrades here.

    Last edited: Aug 27, 2014
  8. eva2000

    eva2000 Administrator Staff Member

    May 24, 2014
    Brisbane, Australia
    Local Time:
    11:35 PM
    Nginx 1.27.x
    MariaDB 10.x/11.4+

    Premium MySQL Database Backup Script

    Centmin Mod Premium membership now also gives members access to MySQL database script I custom wrote for Centmin Mod LEMP stack which has added support for Amazon S3 uploads for remote storage including S3 storage class support for Standard, Standard IA and Reduced Redundancy storage and support for gzip, pigz, pbzip2, lbzip2 and pxz compression methods. You can see the full development preview here https://community.centminmod.com/threads/dbbackup-sh-quick-mysql-database-backups-for-centmin-mod-stack.4573/. You can upgrade to Premium Membership here.

    Example output run from dbbackup.sh

    Code (Text):
    [backup: db1]
        mysqldump --single-transaction db1 > /home/nginx/domains/newdomain.com/backup/mysql/db1-backup-290915-210734.sql
        [real:0.00s user:0.00s sys:0.00s cpu: 33% maxmem: 3244 KB cswaits: 44]
        pigz -4R /home/nginx/domains/newdomain.com/backup/mysql/db1-backup-290915-210734.sql
        [real:0.00s user:0.00s sys:0.00s cpu: ?% maxmem: 908 KB cswaits: 6]
        505 /home/nginx/domains/newdomain.com/backup/mysql/db1-backup-290915-210734.sql.gz
    [backup: db2]
        mysqldump --single-transaction db2 > /home/nginx/domains/newdomain.com/backup/mysql/db2-backup-290915-210734.sql
        [real:0.00s user:0.00s sys:0.00s cpu: 33% maxmem: 3244 KB cswaits: 44]
        pigz -4R /home/nginx/domains/newdomain.com/backup/mysql/db2-backup-290915-210734.sql
        [real:0.00s user:0.00s sys:0.00s cpu: ?% maxmem: 908 KB cswaits: 6]
        505 /home/nginx/domains/newdomain.com/backup/mysql/db2-backup-290915-210734.sql.gz
    [backup: db3]
        mysqldump db3 > /home/nginx/domains/newdomain.com/backup/mysql/db3-backup-290915-210734.sql
        [real:0.00s user:0.00s sys:0.00s cpu: 37% maxmem: 3296 KB cswaits: 56]
        pigz -4R /home/nginx/domains/newdomain.com/backup/mysql/db3-backup-290915-210734.sql
        [real:0.00s user:0.00s sys:0.00s cpu: 50% maxmem: 1164 KB cswaits: 7]
        13K /home/nginx/domains/newdomain.com/backup/mysql/db3-backup-290915-210734.sql.gz
    [backup: db5]
        mysqldump --single-transaction db5 > /home/nginx/domains/newdomain.com/backup/mysql/db5-backup-290915-210734.sql
        [real:0.01s user:0.00s sys:0.00s cpu: 62% maxmem: 3296 KB cswaits: 3]
        pigz -4R /home/nginx/domains/newdomain.com/backup/mysql/db5-backup-290915-210734.sql
        [real:0.00s user:0.00s sys:0.00s cpu: 160% maxmem: 2508 KB cswaits: 43]
        38K /home/nginx/domains/newdomain.com/backup/mysql/db5-backup-290915-210734.sql.gz
    [backup: db6]
        mysqldump --single-transaction db6 > /home/nginx/domains/newdomain.com/backup/mysql/db6-backup-290915-210734.sql
        [real:0.05s user:0.04s sys:0.00s cpu: 87% maxmem: 3296 KB cswaits: 70]
        pigz -4R /home/nginx/domains/newdomain.com/backup/mysql/db6-backup-290915-210734.sql
        [real:0.02s user:0.05s sys:0.00s cpu: 305% maxmem: 3220 KB cswaits: 204]
        155K /home/nginx/domains/newdomain.com/backup/mysql/db6-backup-290915-210734.sql.gz
    [backup: db4]
        mysqldump --single-transaction db4 > /home/nginx/domains/newdomain.com/backup/mysql/db4-backup-290915-210734.sql
        [real:0.07s user:0.07s sys:0.00s cpu: 92% maxmem: 3304 KB cswaits: 55]
        pigz -4R /home/nginx/domains/newdomain.com/backup/mysql/db4-backup-290915-210734.sql
        [real:0.02s user:0.08s sys:0.00s cpu: 348% maxmem: 3268 KB cswaits: 240]
        253K /home/nginx/domains/newdomain.com/backup/mysql/db4-backup-290915-210734.sql.gz
    [Databases backed up locally at: /home/nginx/domains/newdomain.com/backup/mysql]
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root nginx 155K Sep 29 21:07 db6-backup-290915-210734.sql.gz
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root nginx  38K Sep 29 21:07 db5-backup-290915-210734.sql.gz
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root nginx 253K Sep 29 21:07 db4-backup-290915-210734.sql.gz
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root nginx  13K Sep 29 21:07 db3-backup-290915-210734.sql.gz
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root nginx  505 Sep 29 21:07 db2-backup-290915-210734.sql.gz
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root nginx  505 Sep 29 21:07 db1-backup-290915-210734.sql.gz

    Code (Text):
    Upload to Amazon S3 via s3cmd
    [s3cmd upload (Storage Class: STANDARD): db1]
    INFO: Compiling list of local files...
    INFO: Running stat() and reading/calculating MD5 values on 1 files, this may take some time...
    INFO: Summary: 1 local files to upload
    '/home/nginx/domains/newdomain.com/backup/mysql/db1-backup-290915-210734.sql.gz' -> 's3://YOUR_S3BUCKETNAME/dbbackups/db1-backup-290915-210734.sql.gz'  [1 of 1]
    505 of 505   100% in    0s  1063.74 B/s  done
        [real:0.58s user:0.10s sys:0.01s cpu: 19% maxmem: 17332 KB cswaits: 22]
    [s3cmd upload (Storage Class: STANDARD): db2]
    INFO: Compiling list of local files...
    INFO: Running stat() and reading/calculating MD5 values on 1 files, this may take some time...
    INFO: Summary: 1 local files to upload
    '/home/nginx/domains/newdomain.com/backup/mysql/db2-backup-290915-210734.sql.gz' -> 's3://YOUR_S3BUCKETNAME/dbbackups/db2-backup-290915-210734.sql.gz'  [1 of 1]
    505 of 505   100% in    0s  1052.46 B/s  done
        [real:0.59s user:0.10s sys:0.01s cpu: 18% maxmem: 17332 KB cswaits: 22]
    [s3cmd upload (Storage Class: STANDARD): db3]
    INFO: Compiling list of local files...
    INFO: Running stat() and reading/calculating MD5 values on 1 files, this may take some time...
    INFO: Summary: 1 local files to upload
    '/home/nginx/domains/newdomain.com/backup/mysql/db3-backup-290915-210734.sql.gz' -> 's3://YOUR_S3BUCKETNAME/dbbackups/db3-backup-290915-210734.sql.gz'  [1 of 1]
    12438 of 12438   100% in    0s    22.60 kB/s  done
        [real:0.64s user:0.09s sys:0.01s cpu: 17% maxmem: 17440 KB cswaits: 18]
    [s3cmd upload (Storage Class: STANDARD): db5]
    INFO: Compiling list of local files...
    INFO: Running stat() and reading/calculating MD5 values on 1 files, this may take some time...
    INFO: Summary: 1 local files to upload
    '/home/nginx/domains/newdomain.com/backup/mysql/db5-backup-290915-210734.sql.gz' -> 's3://YOUR_S3BUCKETNAME/dbbackups/db5-backup-290915-210734.sql.gz'  [1 of 1]
    38069 of 38069   100% in    0s    61.99 kB/s  done
        [real:0.71s user:0.09s sys:0.01s cpu: 16% maxmem: 17468 KB cswaits: 19]
    [s3cmd upload (Storage Class: STANDARD): db6]
    INFO: Compiling list of local files...
    INFO: Running stat() and reading/calculating MD5 values on 1 files, this may take some time...
    INFO: Summary: 1 local files to upload
    '/home/nginx/domains/newdomain.com/backup/mysql/db6-backup-290915-210734.sql.gz' -> 's3://YOUR_S3BUCKETNAME/dbbackups/db6-backup-290915-210734.sql.gz'  [1 of 1]
    158194 of 158194   100% in    0s   169.62 kB/s  done
        [real:1.02s user:0.10s sys:0.01s cpu: 11% maxmem: 17520 KB cswaits: 35]
    [s3cmd upload (Storage Class: STANDARD): db4]
    INFO: Compiling list of local files...
    INFO: Running stat() and reading/calculating MD5 values on 1 files, this may take some time...
    INFO: Summary: 1 local files to upload
    '/home/nginx/domains/newdomain.com/backup/mysql/db4-backup-290915-210734.sql.gz' -> 's3://YOUR_S3BUCKETNAME/dbbackups/db4-backup-290915-210734.sql.gz'  [1 of 1]
    258345 of 258345   100% in    1s   241.02 kB/s  done
        [real:1.15s user:0.10s sys:0.01s cpu: 10% maxmem: 17708 KB cswaits: 40]
    [Databases Uploaded to s3://YOUR_S3BUCKETNAME/dbbackups/ bucket]
    2015-09-29 21:07       505   s3://YOUR_S3BUCKETNAME/dbbackups/db1-backup-290915-210734.sql.gz
    2015-09-29 21:07       505   s3://YOUR_S3BUCKETNAME/dbbackups/db2-backup-290915-210734.sql.gz
    2015-09-29 21:07     12438   s3://YOUR_S3BUCKETNAME/dbbackups/db3-backup-290915-210734.sql.gz
    2015-09-29 21:07     38069   s3://YOUR_S3BUCKETNAME/dbbackups/db5-backup-290915-210734.sql.gz
    2015-09-29 21:07    158194   s3://YOUR_S3BUCKETNAME/dbbackups/db6-backup-290915-210734.sql.gz
    2015-09-29 21:07    258345   s3://YOUR_S3BUCKETNAME/dbbackups/db4-backup-290915-210734.sql.gz
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2016
  9. eva2000

    eva2000 Administrator Staff Member

    May 24, 2014
    Brisbane, Australia
    Local Time:
    11:35 PM
    Nginx 1.27.x
    MariaDB 10.x/11.4+
    For Centmin Mod Premium members I have added an additional Google Analytics custom dashboard template to your premium benefits. This GA custom dashboard further breaks down your web browser visitor stats into WinXP and non-WinXP so that you can better evaluate your visitor traffic stats and impact that newer web technologies like HTTP/2 and SSL certificates and SSL cipher choices have on your older WinXP visitor base :)


    This Google Analytics custom dashboard template is available along with installation instructions in the private Premium Members forum

    Example screen shot from Google Analytics once the custom dashboard is installed into each of your GA web property sites.

  10. eva2000

    eva2000 Administrator Staff Member

    May 24, 2014
    Brisbane, Australia
    Local Time:
    11:35 PM
    Nginx 1.27.x
    MariaDB 10.x/11.4+
  11. eva2000

    eva2000 Administrator Staff Member

    May 24, 2014
    Brisbane, Australia
    Local Time:
    11:35 PM
    Nginx 1.27.x
    MariaDB 10.x/11.4+

    Bitcoin Payments Accepted

    Premium User Membership payment for non-reoccurring options via Bitcoin is now an option but you'd need to contact me for payment details and for manual upgrade processing.

    How much does it cost to upgrade to Premium User Membership ?

    Right now there are six Premium User Membership options available:
    • 12 Month non-reoccurring = AUD$89/yr
    • 24 Month non-reoccurring = AUD$149 for 2yrs or AUD$74.50/yr
    • 12 Month auto renew = AUD$89/yr
    • Monthly auto renew = AUD$15/month
    • Quarterly every 3 months auto renew = AUD$30/quarter (AUD$10/month)
    • Bi-Annually every 6 months auto renew = AUD$50 (AUD$8.33/month)
  12. eva2000

    eva2000 Administrator Staff Member

    May 24, 2014
    Brisbane, Australia
    Local Time:
    11:35 PM
    Nginx 1.27.x
    MariaDB 10.x/11.4+
    I've setup a TransferWise account to use it as an additional option besides PayPal for send/receiving payments - including as an option for payment for Premium Membership (non-reoccuring) and then me manually upgrading a member account to Premium Membership status once a member contacts me letting me know they have made payment.

    You'll need to contact me first if you intend to pay via TransferWise. Right now that means there are two non-reoccuring Premium User Membership options available via TransferWise:
    • 12 Month non-reoccuring = AUD$89/yr
    • 24 Month non-reoccuring = AUD$149 for 2yrs or AUD$74.50/yr
    More info
    • List of supported currencies here.
    • TransferWise Discussion here
  13. eva2000

    eva2000 Administrator Staff Member

    May 24, 2014
    Brisbane, Australia
    Local Time:
    11:35 PM
    Nginx 1.27.x
    MariaDB 10.x/11.4+

    addons/borgbackups.sh File Backups

    Centmin Mod Premium members now also get early access to addons/borgbackups.sh script for incremental and deduplicated file backups. You'll find the script in the private Premium members only forum ;)

    Example inspecting borg backup repo for /root/.ssh directory backup
    Code (Text):
    borg info ::.ssh-080719-131709
    Archive name: .ssh-080719-131709
    Archive fingerprint: 8c03640c4d14b354639c3bd4778d53918ac6d54c05c8beb073fc8c75583ac401
    Comment: .ssh
    Hostname: test
    Username: root
    Time (start): Mon, 2019-07-08 13:17:10
    Time (end): Mon, 2019-07-08 13:17:10
    Duration: 0.02 seconds
    Number of files: 5
    Command line: /usr/bin/borg create -e /home/nginx/domains/demodomain.com/log -e /home/nginx/domains/demodomain.com/backup --stats --comment .ssh --compression auto,zstd,6 ::.ssh-080719-131709 /root/.ssh
    Utilization of maximum supported archive size: 0%
                         Original size      Compressed size    Deduplicated size
    This archive:                1.51 kB              1.38 kB              2.60 kB
    All archives:              665.10 MB            218.53 MB            207.90 MB
                         Unique chunks         Total chunks
    Chunk index:                    2002                 3425
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