Ferenc Kovacs Continue reading...
same Code: php -v PHP 5.6.3 (cli) (built: Nov 14 2014 14:40:21) Copyright (c) 1997-2014 The PHP Group Zend Engine v2.6.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Zend Technologies with Zend OPcache v7.0.4-dev, Copyright (c) 1999-2014, by Zend Technologies Code: -------------------------------------------------------- Centmin Mod 1.2.3-eva2000.08 - http://centminmod.com -------------------------------------------------------- Centmin Mod Menu -------------------------------------------------------- 1). Centmin Install 2). Add Nginx vhost domain 3). NSD setup domain name DNS 4). Nginx Upgrade / Downgrade 5). PHP Upgrade / Downgrade 6). XCache Re-install 7). APC Cache Re-install 8). XCache Install 9). APC Cache Install 10). Memcached Server Re-install 11). MariaDB 5.2, 5.5, 10 Upgrade Sub-Menu 12). Zend OpCache Install/Re-install 13). Install ioping.sh vbtechsupport.com/1239/ 14). SELinux disable 15). Install/Re-install ImageMagick PHP Extension 16). Change SSHD Port Number 17). Multi-thread compression: pigz,pbzip2,lbzip2,p7zip etc 18). Suhosin PHP Extension install 19). Install FFMPEG and FFMPEG PHP Extension 20). NSD Re-install 21). Update - Nginx + PHP-FPM + Siege 22). Exit -------------------------------------------------------- Enter option [ 1 - 22 ] 5 -------------------------------------------------------- Code: Do you want to run YUM install checks ? [y/n] This will increase your upgrade duration time wise. Check the change log centminmod.com/changelog.html to see if any Nginx or PHP related new additions which require checking YUM prequisites are met. If no new additions made, you can skip the YUM install check to speed up upgrade time. [y/n]: n PHP Upgrade - Would you like to continue? [y/n] y Install which version of PHP? (version i.e. 5.4.34): 5.6.3 Do you want to update to latest php-fpm.conf ? It will overwrite your existing php-fpm.conf [y/n]: n ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code: Detected PHP 5.6 branch. You can compile Zend OPcache (Zend Optimizer Plus+) support as an alternative to using APC Cache or Xcache cache. But Zend OPcache only provides PHP opcode cache and DOESN'T do data caching, so if you web apps such as Wordpress, Drupal or vBulletin require data caching to APC or Xcache, it won't work with Zend OPcache. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you want to use Zend OPcache [y/n] ? y Code: ************************************************* Fri Nov 14 14:42:34 UTC 2014 Success: PHP was installed properly ************************************************* *************************************************** * PHP upgraded and auto reinstalled PHP extensions *************************************************** ccache stats: cache directory /home/.ccache cache hit (direct) 14113 cache hit (preprocessed) 7732 cache miss 31676 called for link 3746 called for preprocessing 1653 multiple source files 1 compile failed 435 preprocessor error 352 bad compiler arguments 390 unsupported source language 755 autoconf compile/link 5412 unsupported compiler option 57 no input file 1125 files in cache 27936 cache size 982.7 Mbytes max cache size 2.0 Gbytes
Code: -------------------------------------------------------- Centmin Mod 1.2.3-eva2000.07 - http://centminmod.com -------------------------------------------------------- Centmin Mod Menu -------------------------------------------------------- 1). Centmin Install 2). Add Nginx vhost domain 3). NSD setup domain name DNS 4). Nginx Upgrade / Downgrade 5). PHP Upgrade / Downgrade 6). XCache Re-install 7). APC Cache Re-install 8). XCache Install 9). APC Cache Install 10). Memcached Server Re-install 11). MariaDB 5.2, 5.5, 10 Upgrade Sub-Menu 12). Zend OpCache Install/Re-install 13). Install ioping.sh vbtechsupport.com/1239/ 14). SELinux disable 15). Install/Re-install ImageMagick PHP Extension 16). Change SSHD Port Number 17). Multi-thread compression: pigz,pbzip2,lbzip2,p7zip etc 18). Suhosin PHP Extension install 19). Install FFMPEG and FFMPEG PHP Extension 20). NSD Re-install 21). Update - Nginx + PHP-FPM + Siege 22). Exit -------------------------------------------------------- Enter option [ 1 - 22 ] 5 -------------------------------------------------------- Custom configure CSF settings...set Do you want to run YUM install checks ? [y/n] This will increase your upgrade duration time wise. Check the change log centminmod.com/changelog.html to see if any Nginx or PHP related new additions which require checking YUM prequisites are met. If no new additions made, you can skip the YUM install check to speed up upgrade time. [y/n]: n PHP Upgrade - Would you like to continue? [y/n] y Install which version of PHP? (version i.e. 5.4.32): 5.6.3 Do you want to update to latest php-fpm.conf ? It will overwrite your existing php-fpm.conf [y/n]: n ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Detected PHP 5.6 branch. You can compile Zend OPcache (Zend Optimizer Plus+) support as an alternative to using APC Cache or Xcache cache. But Zend OPcache only provides PHP opcode cache and DOESN'T do data caching, so if you web apps such as Wordpress, Drupal or vBulletin require data caching to APC or Xcache, it won't work with Zend OPcache. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you want to use Zend OPcache [y/n] ? y ************************************************* * Zend Optimizer Plus OPcache installed ************************************************* ************************************************* * Upgrading PHP ************************************************* yum -y erase php* Loaded plugins: downloadonly, fastestmirror, priorities Setting up Remove Process No Match for argument: php-5.4.32 Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: centos.mirrors.ovh.net * epel: mirrors.coreix.net * extras: ftp.ciril.fr * rpmforge: www.mirrorservice.org * updates: centos.mirrors.ovh.net 1680 packages excluded due to repository priority protections No Match for argument: php-5.4.32.tar.gz No Match for argument: php-5.5.16 No Match for argument: php-5.5.16.tar.gz No Match for argument: php-5.5.17 No Match for argument: php-5.5.17.tar.gz No Match for argument: php-5.6.0 No Match for argument: php-5.6.0.tar.gz No Match for argument: php-5.6.1 No Match for argument: php-5.6.1.tar.gz No Match for argument: php-5.6.2 No Match for argument: php-5.6.2.tar.gz No Packages marked for removal --2015-01-15 22:39:41-- http://php.net/get/php-5.6.3.tar.gz/from/this/mirror Resolving php.net..., 2001:470:1:380::3 Connecting to php.net||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found Location: http://php.net/distributions/php-5.6.3.tar.gz [following] --2015-01-15 22:39:41-- http://php.net/distributions/php-5.6.3.tar.gz Connecting to php.net||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable The file is already fully retrieved; nothing to do. tar (child): php-5.6.3.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory tar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now tar: Child returned status 2 tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now inc/php_upgrade.inc: line 180: cd: php-5.6.3: No such file or directory ************************************************* * Updating php.ini... ************************************************* old php.ini will be saved at /usr/local/lib/php.ini-oldversion_150115-223854 if you have modified your old php.ini i.e. installed and loaded APC, Xcache, Memcache or Suhosin - please re-install them after php upgrade ... cp: cannot stat `php.ini-production': No such file or directory make: *** No rule to make target `clean'. Stop. inc/php_upgrade.inc: line 223: ./buildconf: No such file or directory make: *** No rule to make target `clean'. Stop. ../configure --enable-cgi --enable-fpm --enable-pcntl --disable-fileinfo --with-mhash --with-zlib --with-gettext --enable-intl --enable-exif --enable-zip --with-bz2 --enable-soap --enable-sockets --enable-sysvmsg --enable-sysvsem --enable-sysvshm --enable-shmop --with-pear --enable-mbstring --with-openssl --with-mysql=mysqlnd --with-libdir=lib --with-mysqli=mysqlnd --with-mysql-sock=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock --with-curl --with-gd --with-xmlrpc --enable-bcmath --enable-calendar --enable-ftp --enable-gd-native-ttf --with-freetype-dir=lib --with-jpeg-dir=lib --with-png-dir=lib --with-xpm-dir=lib --enable-pdo --with-pdo-sqlite --with-pdo-mysql=mysqlnd --enable-inline-optimization --with-imap --with-imap-ssl --with-kerberos --with-readline --with-libedit --with-gmp --with-pspell --with-tidy --with-enchant --with-fpm-user=nginx --with-fpm-group=nginx --disable-fileinfo --with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/centminmod/php.d inc/php_configure.inc: line 130: ../configure: No such file or directory make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. real 0m0.003s user 0m0.001s sys 0m0.001s make: *** No rule to make target `install'. Stop. real 0m0.001s user 0m0.001s sys 0m0.000s Gracefully shutting down php-fpm . done Starting php-fpm done ************************************************* Thu Jan 15 22:39:42 UTC 2015 Success: PHP configure ok ************************************************* make -j9 make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. real 0m0.001s user 0m0.001s sys 0m0.000s ************************************************* Thu Jan 15 22:39:44 UTC 2015 Error: 2, PHP make failed (1.2.3-eva2000.07) ************************************************* I get this error when i try to upgrade and i'm on 5.6.2
FYI PHP 5.6.4 is latest now seems incomplete download happened, so you need to remove all invalid php tarballs for 5.6.* and try re-running centmin.sh menu option 5 remove the tarballs Code: rm -rf /svr-setup/php-5.6* re-running centmin.sh menu option 5
Same thing Code: PHP Upgrade - Would you like to continue? [y/n] y Install which version of PHP? (version i.e. 5.4.32): 5.6.4 Do you want to update to latest php-fpm.conf ? It will overwrite your existing php-fpm.conf [y/n]: n ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Detected PHP 5.6 branch. You can compile Zend OPcache (Zend Optimizer Plus+) support as an alternative to using APC Cache or Xcache cache. But Zend OPcache only provides PHP opcode cache and DOESN'T do data caching, so if you web apps such as Wordpress, Drupal or vBulletin require data caching to APC or Xcache, it won't work with Zend OPcache. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you want to use Zend OPcache [y/n] ? y ************************************************* * Zend Optimizer Plus OPcache installed ************************************************* ************************************************* * Upgrading PHP ************************************************* yum -y erase php* Loaded plugins: downloadonly, fastestmirror, priorities Setting up Remove Process No Match for argument: php-5.4.32 Determining fastest mirrors * base: mirror-fr1.bbln.org * epel: mirrors.coreix.net * extras: mirror-fr1.bbln.org * rpmforge: miroir.univ-paris13.fr * updates: centos.quelquesmots.fr 1680 packages excluded due to repository priority protections No Match for argument: php-5.4.32.tar.gz No Match for argument: php-5.5.16 No Match for argument: php-5.5.16.tar.gz No Match for argument: php-5.5.17 No Match for argument: php-5.5.17.tar.gz No Packages marked for removal --2015-01-19 20:58:12-- http://php.net/get/php-5.6.4.tar.gz/from/this/mirror Resolving php.net..., 2001:470:1:380::3 Connecting to php.net||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found Location: http://php.net/distributions/php-5.6.4.tar.gz [following] --2015-01-19 20:58:12-- http://php.net/distributions/php-5.6.4.tar.gz Connecting to php.net||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 206 Partial Content Length: 17535758 (17M), 21037 (21K) remaining [application/x-gzip] Saving to: “mirror” [ skipping 17100K ] 17100K ,,,,...... .......... .... 100% 69.6K=0.3s 2015-01-19 20:58:13 (69.6 KB/s) - “mirror” saved [17535758/17535758] tar (child): php-5.6.4.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory tar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now tar: Child returned status 2 tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now inc/php_upgrade.inc: line 180: cd: php-5.6.4: No such file or directory ************************************************* * Updating php.ini... ************************************************* old php.ini will be saved at /usr/local/lib/php.ini-oldversion_190115-205246 if you have modified your old php.ini i.e. installed and loaded APC, Xcache, Memcache or Suhosin - please re-install them after php upgrade ... cp: cannot stat `php.ini-production': No such file or directory make: *** No rule to make target `clean'. Stop. inc/php_upgrade.inc: line 223: ./buildconf: No such file or directory make: *** No rule to make target `clean'. Stop. ../configure --enable-cgi --enable-fpm --enable-pcntl --disable-fileinfo --with-mhash --with-zlib --with-gettext --enable-intl --enable-exif --enable-zip --with-bz2 --enable-soap --enable-sockets --enable-sysvmsg --enable-sysvsem --enable-sysvshm --enable-shmop --with-pear --enable-mbstring --with-openssl --with-mysql=mysqlnd --with-libdir=lib --with-mysqli=mysqlnd --with-mysql-sock=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock --with-curl --with-gd --with-xmlrpc --enable-bcmath --enable-calendar --enable-ftp --enable-gd-native-ttf --with-freetype-dir=lib --with-jpeg-dir=lib --with-png-dir=lib --with-xpm-dir=lib --enable-pdo --with-pdo-sqlite --with-pdo-mysql=mysqlnd --enable-inline-optimization --with-imap --with-imap-ssl --with-kerberos --with-readline --with-libedit --with-gmp --with-pspell --with-tidy --with-enchant --with-fpm-user=nginx --with-fpm-group=nginx --disable-fileinfo --with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/centminmod/php.d inc/php_configure.inc: line 130: ../configure: No such file or directory make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. real 0m0.002s user 0m0.001s sys 0m0.000s make: *** No rule to make target `install'. Stop. real 0m0.001s user 0m0.001s sys 0m0.000s Gracefully shutting down php-fpm .. done Starting php-fpm done ************************************************* Mon Jan 19 20:58:22 UTC 2015 Success: PHP configure ok ************************************************* make -j9 make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. real 0m0.002s user 0m0.001s sys 0m0.000s ************************************************* Mon Jan 19 20:58:30 UTC 2015 Error: 2, PHP make failed (1.2.3-eva2000.07)
sounds like same problem and solution outlined here or try manually download php tarball before running menu option 5 for centmin.sh Code: rm -rf /svr-setup/php-5.6* cd /svr-setup wget http://php.net/get/php-5.6.4.tar.gz/from/a/mirror could be php.net is giving you a mirror download that is broken