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Security SSL Mozilla Wants to Distrust Dutch HTTPS Provider Because of Local Dystopian Law

Discussion in 'All Internet & Web Performance News' started by Jimmy, Oct 31, 2017.

  1. Jimmy

    Jimmy Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2015
    East Coast USA
    Local Time:
    1:13 PM
    Mozilla engineers are discussing plans to remove support for a state-operated Dutch TLS/HTTPS provider after the Dutch government has voted a new law that grants local authorities the power to intercept Internet communications using "false keys."

    If the plan is approved, Firefox will not trust certificates issued by the Staat der Nederlanden (State of the Netherlands) Certificate Authority (CA).

    This CA is operated by PKIOverheid/Logius, a division of the Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations, which is the same ministry that oversees the AIVD intelligence service.

    Mozilla Wants to Distrust Dutch HTTPS Provider Because of Local Dystopian Law