Hi How can i check bandwidth usage on my Centminmod Centos server? Thanks
your web host provider usually will have network bandwidth stats available i.e. Linode, DigitalOcean and Vultr would. If not install vnstat - google search for yum install vnstat and how to configure it i.e. Code: vnstat Database updated: Thu Oct 23 06:43:05 2014 eth0 since 05/23/14 rx: 59.92 GiB tx: 170.26 GiB total: 230.19 GiB monthly rx | tx | total | avg. rate ------------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------- Sep '14 5.36 GiB | 31.03 GiB | 36.39 GiB | 117.76 kbit/s Oct '14 3.80 GiB | 41.41 GiB | 45.21 GiB | 197.00 kbit/s ------------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------- estimated 5.29 GiB | 57.61 GiB | 62.90 GiB | daily rx | tx | total | avg. rate ------------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------- yesterday 123.50 MiB | 1.53 GiB | 1.65 GiB | 159.85 kbit/s today 39.79 MiB | 359.73 MiB | 399.52 MiB | 135.33 kbit/s ------------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------- estimated 139 MiB | 1.25 GiB | 1.39 GiB | monthly Code: vnstat -m eth0 / monthly month rx | tx | total | avg. rate ------------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------- May '14 493.24 MiB | 1.83 GiB | 2.31 GiB | 7.24 kbit/s Jun '14 3.76 GiB | 19.03 GiB | 22.78 GiB | 73.73 kbit/s Jul '14 2.99 GiB | 45.02 GiB | 48.01 GiB | 150.37 kbit/s Aug '14 43.54 GiB | 31.95 GiB | 75.49 GiB | 236.43 kbit/s Sep '14 5.36 GiB | 31.03 GiB | 36.39 GiB | 117.76 kbit/s Oct '14 3.80 GiB | 41.41 GiB | 45.21 GiB | 197.00 kbit/s ------------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------- estimated 5.29 GiB | 57.61 GiB | 62.90 GiB | weekly Code: vnstat -w eth0 / weekly rx | tx | total | avg. rate ---------------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------- last 7 days 919.68 MiB | 9.93 GiB | 10.83 GiB | 167.37 kbit/s last week 1.47 GiB | 15.01 GiB | 16.47 GiB | 228.46 kbit/s current week 439.95 MiB | 4.66 GiB | 5.09 GiB | 150.61 kbit/s ---------------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------- estimated 945 MiB | 10.03 GiB | 10.95 GiB | daily Code: vnstat -d eth0 / daily day rx | tx | total | avg. rate ------------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------- 09/24/14 103.66 MiB | 1.05 GiB | 1.15 GiB | 111.80 kbit/s 09/25/14 141.21 MiB | 1.03 GiB | 1.17 GiB | 113.20 kbit/s 09/26/14 934.91 MiB | 1.19 GiB | 2.10 GiB | 204.10 kbit/s 09/27/14 180.73 MiB | 1.15 GiB | 1.32 GiB | 128.35 kbit/s 09/28/14 160.88 MiB | 1.16 GiB | 1.32 GiB | 127.83 kbit/s 09/29/14 191.82 MiB | 2.08 GiB | 2.26 GiB | 219.86 kbit/s 09/30/14 150.30 MiB | 2.13 GiB | 2.28 GiB | 220.91 kbit/s 10/01/14 170.80 MiB | 2.26 GiB | 2.43 GiB | 235.45 kbit/s 10/02/14 122.15 MiB | 1.75 GiB | 1.87 GiB | 181.88 kbit/s 10/03/14 153.30 MiB | 2.08 GiB | 2.23 GiB | 216.18 kbit/s 10/04/14 172.49 MiB | 2.10 GiB | 2.27 GiB | 220.04 kbit/s 10/05/14 117.67 MiB | 1.95 GiB | 2.07 GiB | 200.55 kbit/s 10/06/14 129.28 MiB | 1.94 GiB | 2.06 GiB | 200.34 kbit/s 10/07/14 119.73 MiB | 1.88 GiB | 2.00 GiB | 193.72 kbit/s 10/08/14 178.43 MiB | 2.15 GiB | 2.33 GiB | 225.75 kbit/s 10/09/14 195.36 MiB | 1.98 GiB | 2.17 GiB | 210.69 kbit/s 10/10/14 129.72 MiB | 1.13 GiB | 1.26 GiB | 122.03 kbit/s 10/11/14 286.04 MiB | 1.09 GiB | 1.37 GiB | 133.02 kbit/s 10/12/14 176.26 MiB | 1.44 GiB | 1.61 GiB | 156.30 kbit/s 10/13/14 214.99 MiB | 1.73 GiB | 1.94 GiB | 188.00 kbit/s 10/14/14 283.73 MiB | 2.07 GiB | 2.34 GiB | 227.41 kbit/s 10/15/14 206.92 MiB | 2.60 GiB | 2.80 GiB | 272.06 kbit/s 10/16/14 315.22 MiB | 3.34 GiB | 3.65 GiB | 354.65 kbit/s 10/17/14 222.78 MiB | 1.50 GiB | 1.72 GiB | 166.55 kbit/s 10/18/14 135.14 MiB | 1.91 GiB | 2.05 GiB | 198.59 kbit/s 10/19/14 121.81 MiB | 1.86 GiB | 1.98 GiB | 191.96 kbit/s 10/20/14 144.88 MiB | 1.51 GiB | 1.65 GiB | 160.35 kbit/s 10/21/14 131.78 MiB | 1.27 GiB | 1.40 GiB | 135.90 kbit/s 10/22/14 123.50 MiB | 1.53 GiB | 1.65 GiB | 159.85 kbit/s 10/23/14 39.79 MiB | 359.73 MiB | 399.52 MiB | 135.33 kbit/s ------------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------- estimated 139 MiB | 1.25 GiB | 1.39 GiB | hourly Code: vnstat -h eth0 06:47 ^ t | t | t t | t t t | t t t | t t t | t t t t | t t t t t t t t t t | t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t | t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t -+---------------------------------------------------------------------------> | 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 h rx (KiB) tx (KiB) h rx (KiB) tx (KiB) h rx (KiB) tx (KiB) 07 4349 35582 15 5710 75242 23 5571 49287 08 4440 42126 16 5417 79061 00 4015 46716 09 5584 156243 17 7232 205477 01 6613 174414 10 4250 38394 18 4387 67925 02 6273 21438 11 4061 29297 19 4523 75202 03 4781 28139 12 4020 33454 20 3685 50915 04 10510 23493 13 6789 85134 21 4468 50263 05 5068 56459 14 4942 70288 22 5533 81084 06 3980 21780 top 10 days Code: vnstat -t eth0 / top 10 # day rx | tx | total | avg. rate -----------------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------- 1 08/22/14 17.85 GiB | 975.00 MiB | 18.81 GiB | 1.83 Mbit/s 2 08/21/14 7.85 GiB | 1.19 GiB | 9.04 GiB | 877.82 kbit/s 3 07/01/14 843.45 MiB | 6.79 GiB | 7.62 GiB | 739.69 kbit/s 4 08/23/14 6.27 GiB | 753.57 MiB | 7.01 GiB | 680.53 kbit/s 5 08/20/14 1.70 GiB | 2.33 GiB | 4.03 GiB | 391.02 kbit/s 6 10/16/14 315.22 MiB | 3.34 GiB | 3.65 GiB | 354.65 kbit/s 7 08/29/14 2.68 GiB | 879.65 MiB | 3.54 GiB | 343.90 kbit/s 8 08/24/14 2.36 GiB | 660.49 MiB | 3.01 GiB | 292.11 kbit/s 9 10/15/14 206.92 MiB | 2.60 GiB | 2.80 GiB | 272.06 kbit/s 10 08/05/14 208.90 MiB | 2.58 GiB | 2.79 GiB | 270.67 kbit/s -----------------------------+-------------+-------------+---------------