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Hey! Love CMM, A POLL asking What's Next after CentOS7 EOL soon???

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by jcstudio, Feb 3, 2024.

  1. Alma Linux 8 Elevated

  2. Alma Linux 8 fresh install

  3. Alma Linux 9 Elevated

  4. Alma Linux 9 Fresh Install

  5. Rocky Linux 8 Fresh

  6. Rocky Linux 8 Elevated

  7. Rocky Linux 9 Fresh

  8. Rocky Linux 9 Elevated

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  1. jcstudio

    jcstudio New Member

    Jul 12, 2020
    Tahlequah, OK
    Local Time:
    8:13 PM
    Hey Everyone! I'm a sysadmin with over 35 years experience supporting servers in almost any and every flavor you could imagine over than time.

    I really love this script. It makes my life much easier which is very appreciated but now that CentOS 7 is almost end of life I was wondering how sysadmins would rank their real experiences and what their comfort levels are with the available OS versions succeeding CentOS 7; plz rank your real world exp from 1-10 (crashed your system= 1 -to- CMM installed and worked perfectly= 10). Which one of these new OSes will receive the support to take advantage of CMM?

    If CentOS7+CMM is the "gold standard" and comfort levels are a 10 then what would you rank EL8 at? An 8 or a 6; EL9? A 7 or maybe just a 5? Of all the follow on CentOS7 versions which is the best supported, fastest, and least problematic? Which OS do you think will get the lion's share of the communities maintenance attention going forward?

    I'm about to roll out another server or two so your opinions on the topic will be put to work giving me an idea on how to move forward since hosting providers are already removing CentOS7 from their OS Installation Options.

    Thanks to all and keep up the great work!
  2. eva2000

    eva2000 Administrator Staff Member

    May 24, 2014
    Brisbane, Australia
    Local Time:
    11:13 AM
    Nginx 1.27.x
    MariaDB 10.x/11.4+
    welcome @jcstudio to Centmin Mod Community. Thanks for the kind words Jim :)

    My personal preference is AlmaLinux 8 and only fresh installs will work with Centmin Mod https://community.centminmod.com/th...almalinux-8-rocky-linux-8-beta-testing.24227/ :)

    There are 6 steps to learning more about Centmin Mod ;) And to modifying config files and manage services more quickly, check out Centmin Mod Command Shortcuts. Recently relaunched official Centmin Mod Blog at https://blog.centminmod.com/ also have more advanced tips and tutorials as well :D

    You might want to try the 124.00stable and/or 130.00beta01 versions.

    Might also be interested in reading up on latest LEMP stack comparison benchmarks tagged here.

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  3. deltahf

    deltahf Premium Member Premium Member

    Jun 8, 2014
    Local Time:
    9:13 PM
    Welcome, @jcstudio!

    CMM is a foundation of my stack and its maximum compatibility will be the guiding choice of my next OS. I run two servers for my own use, both of which are on CentOS 7 for now, but I will be going with a fresh install of Alma Linux 8 when the time comes later this year per eva2000's recommendations.

    I'm not a dedicated sysadmin and only run my own servers for my own sites/business and have not had time to play around with Alma Linux yet, so I'm afraid I can't give a confident answer for your survey. I have used various flavors of Linux over the years so I'm expecting my comfort level to be around a 6. I'm sure there will be some quirks I'll have to figure out and get used to. I have found ChatGPT and other LLMs such as Phind to be the most excellent resources when it comes to scripting or command help. Hopefully they are up to speed with newer distributions like Alma.
  4. buik

    buik “The best traveler is one without a camera.”

    Apr 29, 2016
    Local Time:
    3:13 AM
    Rocky Linux 8 on a fresh installation.
    I would never, ever use ELevate in production.

    Additionally. My advice is to not use AlmaLinux. After all, it is no longer a copy of RHEL, but uses CentOS Stream as its source. And the strange thing is that AlmaLinux was created precisely because CentOS was going/is going to quit. Back in the day: In order to continue offering a RHEL clone.

    Source: AlmaLinux Stream: Why and how?
  5. jcstudio

    jcstudio New Member

    Jul 12, 2020
    Tahlequah, OK
    Local Time:
    8:13 PM
    Is there any advice for running CMM on a CentOS7.9 OpenVZ VPS? I'm beginning to think that could be part of the strange issues I'm running into after doing a little digging and installing vert-what.

    My customer bought a three year VPS (4proc, 4GB, 120GB) through A2 Hosting before bringing me onboard. Now I'm concerned because of all the various VPS platforms available, the only one specifically mentioned that should be avoided is the one that I happen to have inherited.

    Bottom line, would it best to cancel this contract and find a different provider or just move ahead knowing I might have issues? I just don't know what kind of issues that this might cause. Am I going to be dealing with the type that are easy to identify and fix or the more nuanced, tough to troubleshoot, and hard to resolve kind that take customers start looking for another sysadmin.

  6. eva2000

    eva2000 Administrator Staff Member

    May 24, 2014
    Brisbane, Australia
    Local Time:
    11:13 AM
    Nginx 1.27.x
    MariaDB 10.x/11.4+
  7. jcstudio

    jcstudio New Member

    Jul 12, 2020
    Tahlequah, OK
    Local Time:
    8:13 PM
    Thanks Eva, will do...