every time i try to run wp cli i get this error bash: php: command not found
welcome @Khoi Nguyen did you install wp-cli via the addon i wrote at addons/wpcli.sh as per instructions at Centmin Mod Addons for Menu based Nginx installer for CentOS servers ? wp-cli is installed and run as root user for Centmin Mod's wpcli.sh addon how exactly are you running wp-cli commands ? please give examples. Also you can post in addons forum too at Add Ons | Centmin Mod Community
i did exactly what your instructions says and i keep getting this error /usr/bin/env: php: No such file or directory
you ran as root user ? was it installed as root user ? what's output of these 5 commands Code: whoami echo $PATH which php which wp env also exact command you used to run wp-cli