Remember, you can always boot via the Grub with the commands above.
so sounds like for NVMe based servers, after a kernel update you need to rebuild grub before rebooting Code (Text): grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/centos/grub.cfg reboot
I've updated kernels before on this machine, never had to mess with the grub.cfg. Probably something to do with 7.4 IMO. I didn't get the time, but someone should submit a bug report or post a link to this thread on the Centos forum. My guess is when they tested for centos 7.4, they didn't use NVMe drives or no testers used NVMe.
Just tested this on my own server now, with new kernel update and yes work as expected . There's no harm on running this in all server before rebooting right? Just to avoid issues.
Recently (1-2 days ago) there was out an update related to grub2 for Centos 7 but don't know if there was a fix related to your issue or not....
Someone must fix it after so long time Did you notify them about the issue and let them know how you fix it so they can find out what is wrong and apply a proper fix?
Don't think it's a bug just another less documented issue with NVMe and efi bioses ? Will check it out if kernel updates comes on my OVH MC-64-OC 7700K with 2x450GB NVMe raid 1
I just contact OVH and ask about that issue as a server that i was need to get has only this option for Nvme ssd's and not plain ssd's and they verify that the issue exists for latest Centos 7 That's really sad to not have a real solution for this one Now i have to remember to run those two commands before reboots and be lucky to boo again