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Wordpress Feeds Issue .. No longer working

Discussion in 'Blogs & CMS usage' started by Mask, Dec 9, 2014.

  1. Mask

    Mask Active Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Local Time:
    4:30 PM
    Nginx 1.9.1
    MariaDB 10.0.19

    Looks like all my Feeds subscriber are getting 404 error when they click on any link. (Everything was working fine earlier)
    The feeds url are like this (just an example)
    All links are returning 404. (Got over 70 email reporting the issue) :(
    I thought it may be something with PageSpeed so I have disabled it. But still the same error.

    Please help.

  2. Mask

    Mask Active Member

    Nov 10, 2014
    Local Time:
    4:30 PM
    Nginx 1.9.1
    MariaDB 10.0.19
    Ok for every one out there, I retraced my steps. Looks like fastcgi cache was just not working for this blog. It was really causing weird issues. Although I did test basic things before moving over to this new server, but it turned it there were things just not working. (And I couldn't find a solution even when I did look everywhere). Your experience may be different though.
    For now I have moved to basic WP-SuperCahe which is certainly not as fast as fasctcgi. But at least most weird issues are gone now. (There are still a few things that needs to be handled)

    How is your experience with WP-FFPC ? or I mean to ask what is 2nd best recommendation if you need to drop fastcgi cache?