Is it possible to disable the mobile caching once a website is setup under option 22?
To disable mobile cache you need to edit the include files for your selected wordpress caching include file where ${vhostname} is your name for keycdn cache enabler would be at /usr/local/nginx/conf/wpincludes/${vhostname}/wpcacheenabler_${vhostname}.conf so uncomment and remove hash # in front of 2nd line and restart nginx + php-fpm so looks like below Code (Text): # exclude mobile devices from redis caching if ($cmwpcache_device = mobile) { set $cache_uri 'nullcache'; } for redis nginx level cache would be at /usr/local/nginx/conf/wpincludes/${vhostname}/rediscache_${vhostname}.conf so uncomment and remove hash # in front of 2nd line and restart nginx + php-fpm so looks like below Code (Text): # exclude mobile devices from redis caching if ($redis_device = mobile) { set $skip_cache 1; } for wp super cache there doesn't seem to be a mobile cache setup configured
What if I want to ENABLE mobile caching after I disable it during wordpress routine 22 setup? Thanks!
you'd do the opposite and comment out the above lines with hash # in front and restart nginx and php-fpm Code (Text): # exclude mobile devices from redis caching #if ($cmwpcache_device = mobile) { set $cache_uri 'nullcache'; }