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Dedicated server hosting forums

Discussion in 'Dedicated server hosting' started by eva2000, May 27, 2014.

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  1. eva2000

    eva2000 Administrator Staff Member

    May 24, 2014
    Brisbane, Australia
    Local Time:
    10:26 AM
    Nginx 1.27.x
    MariaDB 10.x/11.4+
    Centmin Mod Nginx auto installer requires either a dedicated server or VPS server with root user access for installation as per Centmin Mod LEMP Stack Install Nginx on CentOS. You can use this dedicated server hosting forum to discuss which dedicated server web hosts you use or share you experiences etc.

    Server Requirements & Testing
    1. Preferably, use CentOS 6.9+ or 7.4+ operating system where possible.
    2. If possible, setup a test server or virtualised server via Virtualbox or VMWare to test out Centmin Mod before doing install on live server. For quick tests, you can easily setup a 512MB OpenVZ SSD-Cached VPS server with 120GB Raid 10 SSD-Cached disk space for US$7.50/month with RamNode. Or a 256MB OpenVZ SSD-Cached VPS with 90GB Raid 10 SSD-Cached disk space for US$4.25/month. You can also choose KVM based SSD-Cached VPS but you'll need to install the Operating System (CentOS 6.5) yourself unlike the OpenVZ offerings. Note: Centmin Mod minimum recommended memory based VPS server is at least 256MB memory. You could get away with 128MB memory with a tweak to centmin.sh but for any active site you'll eventually need more than 128MB memory.
    3. Or a 512MB memory, 16GB hard disk storage Secured Cloud VM server instance using SecuredServers.com Cloud with costs starting from US$0.025 per hour. Benchmarks on Secured Cloud VM instance here. Secured Cloud VM setup tip: To make your Centmin Mod install web accessible on Secured Cloud VMs, they have their own firewall enabled in Secured Cloud VM customer admin area that only allows port 22 and 3389 by default. For Centmin Mod installs, you can disable Secured Cloud VM's firewall and let Centmin Mod CSF firewall take over.
    4. Even cheaper option is to setup a DigitalOcean.com 512MB memory VPS at$0.007/hr. Or a DigitalOcean.com 1GB memory VPS at $0.015/hr or the new Linode SSD based VPS plans which are priced exactly to compete with DigitalOcean. Posted Linode vs DigitalOcean benchmarks
    5. All above mentioned VPS hosts are personally used for Centmin Mod testing so are guaranteed to work well together.

    Last edited: Dec 1, 2016
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