how i can change method of challenge for acme from webroot to dns for default generate ssl ?
Centmin Mod users underlying SSL certificate client for SSL certificate issuance Letsencrypt Free SSL Certificates. While supports lots of DNS providers, Centmin Mod's nginx vhost creation routines via menu option 4, 22 and nv command line only supports DNS API with Cloudflare right now and if your use Cloudflare check out the Cloudflare DNS API domain validation method. Once you setup Cloudflare DNS API, all Centmin Mod nginx vhost creation will use Cloudflare DNS API mode and is the recommended way if you use Cloudflare in front of Centmin Mod Nginx sites.
Thank you for for the clarification. I don’t use Cloudflare but it’s not problem just I was want to know if it’s possible to use my dns provider with acme. Great work. Thanks
Yeah if you manually want to use client for DNS domain validated SSL certificates, it should work as long as you install the issued SSL certificates to where you want them used.