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CentOS 6.6 & Centmin Mod compatibility

Discussion in 'Centmin Mod News' started by eva2000, Oct 29, 2014.

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  1. eva2000

    eva2000 Administrator Staff Member

    May 24, 2014
    Brisbane, Australia
    Local Time:
    11:35 AM
    Nginx 1.27.x
    MariaDB 10.x/11.4+
    CentOS 6.6 has been officially released and for Centmin Mod compatibility, that means there's more testing to be done. If you try to install Centmin Mod .07 stable on CentOS 6.6 you may get an message like this:
    Detected CentOS version greater than > CentOS 6.5
    CentOS 6.5 is the latest tested version for Centmin Mod
    No guarantee 100% working install with your CentOS 6.6
    Do you still want to continue with install ? [y/n]: n
    Regularly check centminmod.com for news on new CentOS versions support
    aborting script...
    It's because centmin.sh has a version check for highest tested CentOS version to allow Centmin Mod to install on at line 110 of centmin.sh for Centmin Mod .07 stable or line 115 for Centmin Mod .08 beta. For Centmin Mod .07 stable highest tested version is 6.5. For Centmin Mod .08 beta+ the highest tested version is 7.0 (for CentOS 7 compatibility).

    This is to ensure I have tested Centmin Mod first on any new CentOS builds.

    For Centmin Mod .07 stable, you can change that variable from 6.5 to 6.6 and re-run menu option 1 to install and help test CentOS 6.6 compatibility :)

    Feedback for CentOS 6.6 + Centmin Mod install can be posted in Installation forums here Install & Upgrades or Pre-Install Questions | Centmin Mod Community
  2. eva2000

    eva2000 Administrator Staff Member

    May 24, 2014
    Brisbane, Australia
    Local Time:
    11:35 AM
    Nginx 1.27.x
    MariaDB 10.x/11.4+

    CentOS 6.6 compatbility updates for Centmin Mod

    Right now it seems it won't work as I have further version checks throughout Centmin Mod code for the highest tested versions at 6.5. I'll need to provide an update for both .07 stable and .08 beta for CentOS 6.6 to work with TESTEDCENTOSVER=6.6.

    I just updated Centmin Mod .08 beta and .07 stable with support for CentOS 6.6 throughout the code. For Centmin Mod .07 stable you still need to do the outlined step at CentOS 6.6 & Centmin Mod compatibility to set centmin.sh variable to TESTEDCENTOSVER='6.6' before running initial install.. Centmin Mod .07 stable also has TESTEDCENTOSVER='6.6' set by default now due to a change in the installer doing yum update mid way into the initial install, which could end up with CentOS 6.5 to 6.6 update midway. Need to improve this routine so more for .08 beta+ and higher.

    Github commits:
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2014
  3. eva2000

    eva2000 Administrator Staff Member

    May 24, 2014
    Brisbane, Australia
    Local Time:
    11:35 AM
    Nginx 1.27.x
    MariaDB 10.x/11.4+

    Updating to latest .07 stable for CentOS 6.6 support

    As outlined at Install - Centmin Mod 1.2.3-eva2000.07 stable install | Centmin Mod Community

    For existing Centmin Mod .07 stable users, over time may get bug fixes or minor updates i.e. download url changes. So to grab the latest code at least, it's basically the same as Method 1 instructions above minus the need to run initial install if you are on an existing Centmin Mod .07 stable based server environment and needing to remove the old zip and extracted folder first.

    cd /usr/local/src
    rm -rf /usr/local/src/centmin*
    wget http://centminmod.com/download/centmin-v1.2.3-eva2000.07.zip
    unzip centmin-v1.2.3-eva2000.07.zip
    cd centmin-v1.2.3mod
    chmod +x centmin.sh

    Updating to latest .08 beta for CentOS 6.6 support

    For existing .08 beta users, the update process is same as .07 stable as outlined in Centmin Mod .08 beta thread at CentOS 7.x - How to help test .08 CentOS 7 Betas with Github code ?

    Centmin Mod .08 betas are not meant for live production use as features and code may change over the course of beta testing. The nature of beta releases is they get updated often, so to grab the latest code at least, it's basically the same as Method 1 instructions above for 123.08centos7beta01 branch at centminmod/centminmod at 123.08centos7beta01 · GitHub minus the need to run initial install if you are on an existing Centmin Mod .08 beta based server environment and needing to remove the old zip and extracted folder first.

    rm -rf /usr/local/src/${branchname}.zip
    rm -rf /usr/local/src/centminmod-${branchname}
    wget -O /usr/local/src/${branchname}.zip https://github.com/centminmod/centminmod/archive/${branchname}.zip
    cd /usr/local/src
    unzip ${branchname}.zip
    cd centminmod-${branchname}
    chmod +x centmin.sh

    Working directly with Github.com hosted Centmin Mod code

    For keeping your Centmin Mod release code up to date, you can also use git command line too Upgrade - Working with git command line for updating Centmin Mod local copies.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2015
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