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Centmin Mod code on Github.com

Discussion in 'Centmin Mod News' started by eva2000, May 26, 2014.

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  1. eva2000

    eva2000 Administrator Staff Member

    May 24, 2014
    Brisbane, Australia
    Local Time:
    5:41 PM
    Nginx 1.27.x
    MariaDB 10.x/11.4+
    Reproduced from blog https://blog.centminmod.com/382

    Centmin Mod code now has a test repository on Github.com athttps://github.com/centminmod/centminmod with a separate branch for upcoming .07 betas. It’s a test repository until I find my feet on Github. So the main download location is still athttp://centminmod.com/download.html. It’s been a common request by Centmin Mod G+ Community members to have a Github repository so folks can follow and contribute.

    Centmin Mod is coded on my Windows 7 Ultimate OS based computer which for the most part was done via NoteTab Light text editor which I have been using for over a decade now. Then I switched over to Sublime Text editor a few months back – so now I flip between NoteTab Light and Sublime Text for their respective unique features.

    For a while now I have been using SmartGit for GUI based Git management unfortunately I had problems connecting to and pushing local code to Github.com – the same problem happened with other GUI based Git tools like official Github.com Git for Windows app, GitGui and a few other forgotten Git GUI based apps. Even Github.com official technical support wasn’t able to nail down my problem. Finally, a few days ago Nicolas Lemoine from Centmin Mod G+ Community recommended that I look at using SourceTree app which was created by fellow Aussie based Atlassian folks. Out of the box, SourceTree app worked and allowed me to push code to my Github.com account! Thanks Nicolas upload_2014-5-26_20-28-54.gif

    I’ve only done Bash shell scripting for past 2+ years as Centmin Mod was my very first attempt. So you will find varying degrees of quality in the code from my beginner stage when I first started and the progression as I worked more on Centmin Mod project. You will also find the original base code from original Centmin project which Centmin Mod was originally based off. One day, I do intend to totally rewrite Centmin Mod so I can clean up the code. But for now due to time constraints, I leave it as is. FYI, I usually only spend a few hours 1 day per week on Centmin Mod (exception being the current upcoming .07 betas where I am focusing on improving installation speed – already reduced install speed in .07 betas by up to 60% faster than previous versions and the new CLI installer mode).

    So I am looking forward to utilising Github repository more especially for developing more Centmin Mod official Addons. For example, the phpmyadmin installer Addon that is still in beta.

    Right now, the best place for Centmin Mod discussions, feedback and suggestions is via forums http://community.centminmod.com and to follow Centmin Mod G+ Page, Facebook and Twitter.
  2. eva2000

    eva2000 Administrator Staff Member

    May 24, 2014
    Brisbane, Australia
    Local Time:
    5:41 PM
    Nginx 1.27.x
    MariaDB 10.x/11.4+
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