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Centmin Mod 140.00beta01 Release Discussions

Discussion in 'Beta release code' started by eva2000, Jul 1, 2024.

  1. eva2000

    eva2000 Administrator Staff Member

    May 24, 2014
    Brisbane, Australia
    Local Time:
    8:39 PM
    Nginx 1.27.x
    MariaDB 10.x/11.4+
    Centmin Mod 140.00beta01 release discussion thread open for all to ask questions and post feedback and bugs etc. If you have existing CentOS 7 related issues or questions, please start a new thread in forum at https://community.centminmod.com/forums/centos-redhat-oracle-linux-news.31/.

    If you installed Centmin Mod 131.00stable or 140.00beta01 before July 7, 2024 AEST, your may run into created Nginx vhost site's pure-ftpd virtual FTP user login failure issues. The solution for this has been outlined at https://community.centminmod.com/th...on-failed-on-131-00stable-140-00beta01.25738/.

    Centmin Mod 140.00beta01
    And you can post your Centmin Mod 140.00beta01 install time stats

    Centmin Mod installers for fresh AlmaLinux or Rocky Linux operating system based servers with minimum 4GB installed memory requirements. Centmin Mod Nginx is built with system OpenSSL crypto library by default. However, Centmin Mod Nginx supports other crypto libraries as well: OpenSSL 1.1.1/3.0/3.1/3.2/3.3, LibreSSL, BoringSSL, quicTLS and AWS-LC.

    140.00beta01 install

    PHP 8.3.x default beta installer.
    Code (Text):
    yum -y update
    curl -O https://centminmod.com/betainstaller83.sh && chmod 0700 betainstaller83.sh && bash betainstaller83.sh

    PHP 8.2.x default beta installer.
    Code (Text):
    yum -y update
    curl -O https://centminmod.com/betainstaller82.sh && chmod 0700 betainstaller82.sh && bash betainstaller82.sh

    PHP 8.1.x default beta installer.
    Code (Text):
    yum -y update
    curl -O https://centminmod.com/betainstaller81.sh && chmod 0700 betainstaller81.sh && bash betainstaller81.sh

    PHP 8.0.x default beta installer with backported security fixes.
    Code (Text):
    yum -y update
    curl -O https://centminmod.com/betainstaller80.sh && chmod 0700 betainstaller80.sh && bash betainstaller80.sh

    PHP 7.4.x default beta installer with backported security fixes.
    Code (Text):
    yum -y update
    curl -O https://centminmod.com/betainstaller74.sh && chmod 0700 betainstaller74.sh && bash betainstaller74.sh
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2024
  2. eva2000

    eva2000 Administrator Staff Member

    May 24, 2014
    Brisbane, Australia
    Local Time:
    8:39 PM
    Nginx 1.27.x
    MariaDB 10.x/11.4+

    CentOS 7 End Of Life

    Quick Summary:

    CentOS 7 is end of life meaning no more security or bug fix updates provided by official YUM repositories. To migrate you need to create a new server with either AlmaLinux 8/9 or Rocky Linux 8/9 and install Centmin Mod 131.00stable or 140.00beta01 on the new server. And then migrate your CentOS 7 server data to the new Centmin Mod 131.00stable or 140.00beta01 install AlmaLinux or Rocky Linux server.

    Note: CentOS 7 now as taken down it's mirrorlist.centos.org YUM repo/mirror lists so if run YUM commands and get errors related to mirrorlist.centos.org. Run cmupdate command and then, run and exit centmin.sh once to apply the workarounds to disable the YUM repos properly to get rid of the error messages.


    With CentOS 7's end-of-life date of June 30, 2024, security and software updates will stop. But the server will still operate. The options for migration are to set up a new server and install recently released Centmin Mod 131.00stable or 140.00beta01 or newer on a EL8-based Linux distribution operating systems: AlmaLinux 8 or Rocky Linux 8 (recommended for most folks) and then migrate and move your data from CentOS 7 server to AlmaLinux 8 or Rocky Linux 8 based server. Example AlmaLinux 8 install of Centmin Mod 130.00beta01 on DigitalOcean droplet VPS server - 130.00beta01 install will be same as 131.00stable or 140.00beta01.

    Most of the Centmin Mod beta testing has been focused on EL8 but EL9 based AlmaLinux 9 or Rocky Linux 9 has been concurrently tested but not to the extend of EL8.

    You have a few choices right now for data migration from CentOS 7 to EL8 or EL9 based servers:
    1. First is https://community.centminmod.com/threads/centmin-mod-site-data-migration-guide.10382/, which outlines Centmin Mod to Centmin Mod data transfers using tools and techniques that apply to any server move. This migration process I've been doing for decades, and the basic underlying tools and what they are used for are always the same :)
    2. Or Centmin Mod revamped centmin.sh menu option 21 data management menu which I've been developing/testing/using already for migrations to EL8/EL9. It uses the fastest method for data transfers available from my years of experience :) There are both shell menu and shell script command line options available. You can do test migrations without updating domain(s) DNS just to practice and get familiar with the process. The centmin.sh menu option 21 is designed so you could in fact do multiple data transfers to the same server or different servers and each backup will be transferred to their own staging directory. So you can in fact use it like a remote backup method for whole server data as you have the shell script command line options available. There's very detailed centmin.sh menu option 21 documentation for Centmin Mod 131.00stable and Centmin Mod 140.00beta01. There are separate links as documentation will eventually diverge as Centmin Mod 140.00beta01 development continues to improve on the code.
    3. Or hire someone to do the Centmin Mod migration. I've been doing a lot of Centmin Mod and non-Centmin CentOS 7 migrations to EL8/EL9 based Centmin Mod / non-Centmin Mod servers lately - using the centmin.sh menu option 21 revamped data management menu for them too :)
  3. atomi

    atomi Member

    Jul 14, 2018
    Local Time:
    12:39 PM
    It seems that the latest betainstaller is ignoring ABORTINSTALL='n' from custom_config.inc because I'm getting following error
    Warning: physically installed memory and swap too low for Centmin Mod
    Installation [Installed: 1561 MB < 1689 MB memory and 3686 MB < 3686 MB swap (recommended minimum)]
    aborting install...
    If I comment out line 321 which is ABORTINSTALL='y' from https://centminmod.com/betainstaller74.sh it will install without any error with same custom_config.inc
  4. eva2000

    eva2000 Administrator Staff Member

    May 24, 2014
    Brisbane, Australia
    Local Time:
    8:39 PM
    Nginx 1.27.x
    MariaDB 10.x/11.4+
    It's aborting as you do not have enough memory installed on server with
    1561 MB < 1689 MB memory displayed so you have 1561MB of memory installed. You really need 4GB of memory for EL8 or EL9 as even 2GB with 4GB swap will be much slower for server operations as it has to dig into slower disk swap.
  5. atomi

    atomi Member

    Jul 14, 2018
    Local Time:
    12:39 PM
    Sorry but I have to disagree. My usage is really basic LEMP websites and I have run them earlier on 512mb with Centos7 and now 1,5gb with EL8 without any issues. My Zabbix monitoring is showing that there is always free mem available even if there are over 10 concurrent users. I really hope that ABORTINSTALL='n' would work as it did earlier on 130.00beta01 and maybe even separate config to lower 4gb swap requirement since I'm currently lowering that manually after installing
  6. eva2000

    eva2000 Administrator Staff Member

    May 24, 2014
    Brisbane, Australia
    Local Time:
    8:39 PM
    Nginx 1.27.x
    MariaDB 10.x/11.4+
    Unfortunately, I and some users have experienced <2GB memory (1689MB precisely due to overheads) and out of memory situations. Hence, why I have such memory thresholds implemented at the installer level and not at centmin.sh level. As at installer level can more pre-emptively tackle low memory systems before the installer got to centmin.sh level install.

    At installer level i.e. installer.sh or betainstaller.sh the specific code is
    Code (Text):
    if [[ "$CENTOS_EIGHT" -eq '8' || "$CENTOS_NINE" -eq '9' ]]; then
      ISMINMEM='1730000'  # 1.7GB in bytes
      ISMINSWAP='3774873'  # 3.6GB in bytes
    elif [[ "$CENTOS_SEVEN" -eq '7' ]]; then
      ISMINMEM='922624'  # 900MB in bytes
      ISMINSWAP='2097152'  # 2GB in bytes
      ISMINMEM='262144'  # 256MB in bytes
      ISMINSWAP='524288'  # 512MB in bytes

    and at centmin.sh level it's called via inc/memcheck.inc code for same
    Code (Text):
    if [[ "$CENTOS_EIGHT" -eq '8' || "$CENTOS_NINE" -eq '9' ]]; then
      ISMINMEM='1730000'  # 1.7GB in bytes
      ISMINSWAP='3774873'  # 3.6GB in bytes
    elif [[ "$CENTOS_SEVEN" -eq '7' ]]; then
      ISMINMEM='922624'  # 900MB in bytes
      ISMINSWAP='2097152'  # 2GB in bytes
      ISMINMEM='262144'  # 256MB in bytes
      ISMINSWAP='524288'  # 512MB in bytes

    If folks run into such memory issues on Centmin Mod, the majority aren't registered on this forum, nor would they provide such feedback - they will just move on and try something other than Centmin Mod. Or I wouldn't be able to provide any free help for folks stuck with a system in out of memory condition in such cases. So, as Centmin Mod needs to cater to the broadest amount of users, it has to ensure it operates for a majority of people rather than a minority.

    I guess I could make a special ISMINMEM_OVERRIDE variable to lower ISMINMEM variable threshold for users like yourself who understand if your system does have issues, you'd be on your own.

    what are you lowering the swap disk size to?
  7. atomi

    atomi Member

    Jul 14, 2018
    Local Time:
    12:39 PM
    is that ABORTINSTALL used somewhere else than memchecks? I cannot remember seeing it anywhere else.

    I dont personally have any issues commenting couple of lines away from installer but there might be some other ppl who have servers with 1-1,5gb ram available after Centos7 EOL and could try their luck with installing CMM with EL8/EL9
  8. eva2000

    eva2000 Administrator Staff Member

    May 24, 2014
    Brisbane, Australia
    Local Time:
    8:39 PM
    Nginx 1.27.x
    MariaDB 10.x/11.4+
    reason why ABORTINSTALL doesn't work now is from above example I added a check to installers themselves that run before it gets to centmin.sh and inc/memcheck.inc so ABORTINSTALL is ignored at installer level. Made this change as some users after Centmin Mod install on EL8/EL9 ended up with broken incomplete install as they ran into out of memory conditions. So add it earlier in installer level, will prevent users haven't to do fresh OS install or run on a broken Centmin Mod install.

    Yes that is another example for memory thresholds. Had a few users try and also report out of memory issues on EL8 with such low memory installs. The 1689MB number isn't arbitrary in nature ;)

    With that said, for your situations where you understand the potential low memory issues and willing to take the risk, I will add 2 override variables you can set in persistent config file to lower the default thresholds for memory and disk swap sizes.

    So if you set ISMINMEM_OVERRIDE='y' and ISMINSWAP_OVERRIDE='y' it will lower threshold for memory to 1.43GB and disk swap size to 2GB and also lower automatic disk swap size from 4GB to 2GB. But this would be cutting it close, so I might need to disable PHP fileinfo extension PHPFINFO='y' again if those override variables are detected and enabled. Otherwise folks might also run into out of memory conditions on PHP upgrades/recompiles.

    Code (Text):
    if [[ "$CENTOS_EIGHT" -eq '8' || "$CENTOS_NINE" -eq '9' ]]; then
      if [[ "$ISMINMEM_OVERRIDE" = [yY] ]]; then
        ISMINMEM='1500000'  # 1.43GB in bytes
        ISMINMEM='1730000'  # 1.7GB in bytes
      if [[ "$ISMINSWAP_OVERRIDE" = [yY] ]]; then
        ISMINSWAP='2097152'  # 2.0GB in bytes
        ISMINSWAP='3774873'  # 3.6GB in bytes
    elif [[ "$CENTOS_SEVEN" -eq '7' ]]; then
      ISMINMEM='922624'  # 900MB in bytes
      ISMINSWAP='2097152'  # 2GB in bytes
      ISMINMEM='262144'  # 256MB in bytes
      ISMINSWAP='524288'  # 512MB in bytes
  9. Jon Snow

    Jon Snow Active Member

    Jun 30, 2017
    Local Time:
    6:39 AM
    Nginx 1.13.9
    MariaDB 10.1.31
    The requirement is centminmod related and not related to web apps performing worse on AlmaLinux/Rocky which requires the higher resource limit, right?

    My lowest VPS is 2 GB also.
  10. eva2000

    eva2000 Administrator Staff Member

    May 24, 2014
    Brisbane, Australia
    Local Time:
    8:39 PM
    Nginx 1.27.x
    MariaDB 10.x/11.4+
    4GB memory recommended is for Centmin Mod LEMP stack usage for Nginx, PHP-FPM and base MariaDB MySQL and CSF Firewall and pre-configured software usage/buffers set. You own specific web app usage requirements would be a separate aspect of you deciding the sizing of your chosen VPS or dedicated server.
  11. atomi

    atomi Member

    Jul 14, 2018
    Local Time:
    12:39 PM
    I looked my earlier installation from today and it has PHP fileinfo extension installed and loaded EL8 server with 1,7GB ram and 4GB swap.
    Thanks for those new variables! I will test now those new variables with a smaller server
  12. runos

    runos Member

    Dec 17, 2019
    Local Time:
    6:39 PM
    I will start migrating tmr to a 8gb vps with AlmaLinux 8. Already done backup using option 21 > 4.

    Will update the result soon :)
  13. atomi

    atomi Member

    Jul 14, 2018
    Local Time:
    12:39 PM
    That new ISMINMEM_OVERRIDE seems to be working since I got latest beta installed in AlmaLinux8 server with 1,5GB ram. One thing I notice that if server has already lets say 2GB swapfile, installer created anyway 4GB swapfile which will be then 6GB total of swap shown in "free -mh". Total waste of space atleast with my usage ;)

    Also tested in a smaller server with 731MB ram and disabled memchecking from installer74.sh. Worked fine, got my usual setup installed with freenginx + php7.4 including fileinfo extension
    Here you can find cminfo output from that server if someone is interested
  14. atomi

    atomi Member

    Jul 14, 2018
    Local Time:
    12:39 PM
    I decided to see if php8 would also install same modules including fileinfo and it surely did finish without any errors

    I tampered memcheck so that the betainstaller82.sh would proceed:
    Ok: physically installed memory is sufficient for Centmin Mod
    Installation [Installed: 731 MB >= 1 MB memory]
    Something from cminfo:
     Server Type:         redhat
     CentOS Version:     8.10
     Centmin Mod:         140.00beta01.b012
     Nginx PageSpeed:     OFF
     Nginx Version:     1.27.0 (030724-141656-almalinux8-kvm-8fc404f-br-a71f931-freengx)
     PHP-FPM Version:     8.2.20
     PHP-FPM OpenSSL:     1.1.1k
     PHP-FPM CURL Version:     7.61.1
     PHP-FPM CURL SSL:     OpenSSL/1.1.1k
     MariaDB Version:     10.6.18
     CSF Firewall:         v14.20
     Memcached Server:
     Redis Server:
     NSD Version:          -
     Siege Version:     line
     Maldet Version:     not installed
     ClamAV Version:     not installed
     ElasticSearch:     not installed
    In the end I think you can get CMM working with much less than 2GB of ram if you dont require anything fancy like composer, ClamAv or similar
  15. Jon Snow

    Jon Snow Active Member

    Jun 30, 2017
    Local Time:
    6:39 AM
    Nginx 1.13.9
    MariaDB 10.1.31
    I didn't know these were installed by default on centminmod.
  16. eva2000

    eva2000 Administrator Staff Member

    May 24, 2014
    Brisbane, Australia
    Local Time:
    8:39 PM
    Nginx 1.27.x
    MariaDB 10.x/11.4+
    I assume you had 4-6GB disk swap setup though? That's what probably got you over the PHP compile with PHP fileinfo extension. Though much slower PHP compile if swapping to disk
    ClamAV and composer aren't installed by default
  17. atomi

    atomi Member

    Jul 14, 2018
    Local Time:
    12:39 PM
    Yes I didnt tamper min swap so I had that 4GB. Now that I look CMM install time, you are again correct since it was slower than usual
  18. runos

    runos Member

    Dec 17, 2019
    Local Time:
    6:39 PM
    Successfully installed AlmaLinux8 with Centmin Mod Menu 140.00beta01 in 1670 sec :)

    Found this:
    "AlmaLinux 8 will receive security support until May 31st 2029, but the active support ends on May 31st 2024, so you can consider upgrading to the latest AlmaLinux version to keep the benefits of the active support."

    So Centmin support for AL8 is till 2029 until we're force to upgrade again to AL9?
  19. eva2000

    eva2000 Administrator Staff Member

    May 24, 2014
    Brisbane, Australia
    Local Time:
    8:39 PM
    Nginx 1.27.x
    MariaDB 10.x/11.4+
    Yes generally though seems the specific month differs from site reports. It's usually EL8 May/June 2029 EOL and EL9 May/June 2032. I'd imagine if AlmaLinux Elevate gets continued development support, by 2029 we should have a solid in-place upgrade process (fingers crossed). But for now it is a migration to new server type of upgrade from EL8 to EL9.
  20. eva2000

    eva2000 Administrator Staff Member

    May 24, 2014
    Brisbane, Australia
    Local Time:
    8:39 PM
    Nginx 1.27.x
    MariaDB 10.x/11.4+