Hi Can i use different ip for every vhost on Centminmod? Thanks :)
yes in each domain.com vhost file's listen directive http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_core_module.html#listen Code: server { listen ipaddress1 80; server_name yourdomainname.com www.yourdomainname.com; Code: server { listen ipaddress2 80; server_name yourdomainname.com www.yourdomainname.com; provided you have added additional ip addresses to your server i.e. http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-creating-or-adding-new-network-alias-to-a-network-card-nic/ or http://knowledgelayer.softlayer.com/procedure/assign-additional-ip-addresses-redhatcentos
well depends, with nginx you can usually do whatever that works for you specific needs. read Module ngx_http_core_module
So if I want to add different IP to one of my site, do I must insert Code: listen new_IP; at its VHOST ?? I already tried without that line , after edit ifcfg-eth0:0 to add new IP , I point DNS A record to the new IP. So it works without that line. But I dont know if its correct way, especially my intend is to use SSL (single domain) for that website. Could you clear this up ? Thanks eva2000.
I personally set the separate ip in listen just serves to better identify which ip the domain is attached to if you have many ip addresses and many domains. You can imagine if you had 20 ips and 20 domains each with own ip, it would be a bit confusing knowing which domain goes to which ip at the local nginx vhost level.
Yes, I even have more than 20 domains in that VPS So, I think I will follow your suggestion. Thanks eva2000.