NGINX_OPENRESTY='n' <----Is this needed for Letsencrypt free SSL certificate integration? And should i use it with the ' or without?
Ok i read about this: Code: ORESTY_HEADERSMORE=y but does that need also: Code: NGINX_OPENRESTY='y' ? Also what about this? Code: NGINX_SPDY=n <--- Why we don't remove this option at all from as now we have http2?
ORESTY_HEADERSMORE=y is separate and independent of NGINX_OPENRESTY='y' NGINX_SPDY is still available as some folks may downgrade to below Nginx 1.9.3-1.9.5
Ok great and one last question if i create this: Code: /etc/centminmod/php.d/b_customphp.ini and add inside only the: Code: session.save_handler = memcached session.save_path = "" Centminmod will use the existing settings e.x (memory_limit = 160M, max_execution_time = 60) from /etc/centminmod/php.d/a_customphp.ini plus my two extra settings from /etc/centminmod/php.d/b_customphp.ini or b_customphp.ini overwrites the a_customphp.ini? Can Centminmod be able to replace a commented value for example: Code: ;session.save_path = "/tmp" with my: Code: session.save_path = "" ?
Can i also set my custom server string on /etc/centminmod/ ? Code: CUSTOMSERVERSTRING='nginx centminmod' These will work like this ? Code: NGINX_OPENRESTY='n' ORESTY_LUANGINX='n' PHPREDIS='n' or better like this? Code: NGINX_OPENRESTY=n ORESTY_LUANGINX=n PHPREDIS=n
If i am not wrong this one has priority from nginx.conf: Code: more_set_headers "Server: nginx centminmod"; and overwrite this from Code: CUSTOMSERVERSTRING='nginx centminmod' and if this is true why we don't remove the CUSTOMSERVERSTRING= from
yeah if you remove or comment out more_set_header in nginx.conf, you can use the legacy one in