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Beta Branch add PHPFINFO_STANDALONE variable in 123.09beta01

Discussion in 'Centmin Mod Github Commits' started by eva2000, Feb 28, 2019.

  1. eva2000

    eva2000 Administrator Staff Member

    May 24, 2014
    Brisbane, Australia
    Local Time:
    12:52 AM
    Nginx 1.27.x
    MariaDB 10.x/11.4+
    add PHPFINFO_STANDALONE variable in 123.09beta01

    PHP fileinfo extension is natively bundled in PHP versions since PHP 5.3, but requires at least 1GB of memory to compile so PHPFINFO='n' is set to default to disable PHP fileinfo from loading natively.

    This update adds PHPFINFO_STANDALONE variable which defaults to PHPFINFO_STANDALONE='n' which can install PHP fileinfo extension as a standalone module instead of natively - it has slightly lower memory requirements for compilation but still can't be compiled on low memory systems i.e. 128MB VPS.

    This just adds another option for end users to try. You can enable PHPFINFO_STANDALONE='y' in persistent config file /etc/centminmod/ prior to menu option 5 recompiles for PHP to install extension module into your PHP extension directory. Then if your server has similar cpu models/family, you can technically copy the extension module from one server to the low memory VPS server's same PHP version's extension directory and setup a /etc/centminmod/php.d/fileinfo.ini settings file to load the extension so that low memory VPS servers have fileinfo extension loadable. You can find the PHP installs extension directory using command below

    php-config --extension-dir

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    123.09beta01 branch