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Centmin Mod - LEMP (Linux, Nginx, MariaDB MySQL & PHP-FPM) web stack for CentOS Linux by George Liu (eva2000) with a shell menu based installer (shown below). For more details read the official FAQ.

The shell based menu allows you to do basic Nginx & PHP related management including upgrading or downgrading Nginx & PHP or setting up Nginx vhosts. Centmin Mod auto installs Nginx server along with the following software:

Centmin Mod 1.2.3-eva2000.08 - http://centminmod.com
                   Centmin Mod Menu                   
1).  Centmin Install
2).  Add Nginx vhost domain
3).  NSD setup domain name DNS
4).  Nginx Upgrade / Downgrade
5).  PHP Upgrade / Downgrade
6).  XCache Re-install
7).  APC Cache Re-install
8).  XCache Install
9).  APC Cache Install
10). Memcached Server Re-install
11). MariaDB 5.2/5.5 & 10.x Upgrade Sub-Menu
12). Zend OpCache Install/Re-install
13). Install ioping.sh vbtechsupport.com/1239/
14). SELinux disable
15). Install/Reinstall ImagicK PHP Extension
16). Change SSHD Port Number
17). Multi-thread compression: pigz,pbzip2,lbzip2...
18). Suhosin PHP Extension install
19). Install FFMPEG and FFMPEG PHP Extension
20). NSD Re-install
21). Update - Nginx + PHP-FPM + Siege
22). Add Wordpress Nginx vhost + WP Super Cache
23). Update Centmin Mod Code Base
24). Exit
Enter option [ 1 - 24 ]     

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Community forum to allow Centmin Mod users to help each other in installing, using and extending the script.

Jul 14, 2014
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